Page 174 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 174

Another owner 另一位藏家                                                    清乾隆 御製紫泥髹漆描金花卉紋方壺 「大清乾隆年製」篆書刻款

194                                                                    壺四方身,三彎方流,壺把及壺鈕皆呈方形,方足足底內凹,形制規
A rare Imperial lacquered and enamelled Yixing                         整雅緻。紫泥作胎,通身髹褐漆,壺蓋方鈕四周以黑彩描金繪如意云
stoneware teapot and cover                                             頭紋一周,蓋面繪四季花卉紋。壺身四面以金彩、黑彩及朱彩在繪牡
Qianlong seal mark and of the period                                   丹山石及竹菊蝴蝶紋。壺口沿一周以描金繪蕉葉紋一周,壺流及壺把
The elegantly curved rectangular body set with a prominent             以金彩點綴梅花紋飾。描繪手法細膩,黑彩及朱彩堆積厚重,使裝飾
C-shaped squared handle opposite a tapering squared spout, the         更具有立體凹凸感。壺底內凹,底部刻「大清乾隆年製」篆書款並填
slightly domed cover with a pronounced knop, brilliantly gilt and      以金彩。整壺造型工整,繪畫嫻熟,紋飾色彩對比鮮明,為傳世清宮
lacquer decorated with flowing scenes of butterflies in flight amidst  宜興髹漆描金紫砂器中難得一例。
bamboo, peony, narcissus, plum blossom and chrysanthemum
issuing from rockworks, framed between a band of down-hanging
leaf lappets at the shoulders, the cover similarly decorated with
additional ruyi-head motifs, the base undecorated revealing the
reddish brown body, the base with a gilt-incised six-character
zhuanshu seal mark.
16.6cm (6 1/2in) wide (2).

HK$900,000 - 1,200,000
US$120,000 - 150,000

Provenance 來源:
A French private collection

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