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Both the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors were known to share            以髹漆裝飾宜興紫砂壺始於明代,清雍正年間清宮造辦處工匠吸收了
great appreciation for fine Japanese aesthetics, in particular to the   漆器繪畫中的技法,將其用於裝飾宮廷所用之紫砂壺之上。雍正、乾
Japanese lacquer wares decorated in gold and silver, also known as      隆兩朝皇帝均對日本漆器甚為珍賞,並受宮中所收藏的日本莳繪漆器
maki-e technique. As such, many Japanese lacquer boxes with such        影響,命造辦處工匠們刻意模仿其漆繪技法並以其裝飾宮廷日常生活
designs were offered as tributes to the imperial court during the 18th  用具,參見陳慧霞編,《清宮蒔繪:院藏日本漆器特展》,台北國立
century. Most of these lacquer wares would have been kept in the        故宮博物院,2002年,頁20。在《造辦處各作成做活計清檔》中亦
Yangxindian or Hall of Mental Cultivation and Qianqinggong or Palace    有對雍正命造辦處仿製日本莳繪漆器的記載:「雍正七年四月十一
of Heavenly Purity as the emperors’ personal playthings. Some of        日,郎中海望持出洋漆萬字錦絛結式盒一件。奉旨,照樣或燒造黑琺
these mentioned examples are still preserved in the National Palace     瑯盒或做漆盒。欽此。」而此類以髹漆裝飾之紫砂壺,應即是受到日
Museum, Taipei, published in the exhibition catalogue Qing gong         本莳繪漆器裝飾的影響而創制。
maki-e. Yuan cang Riben qiqi tezhan (Gold and silver lacquer work
(maki-e) in the Qing palace, Special exhibition of Japanese lacquer     清宮舊藏中亦有類似以髹漆描金裝飾至宜興紫砂壺,現藏於北京故宮
wares held by the Museum), National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2002.        博物院,參看一件清雍正髹漆描金彩繪方壺,其底部無款,但壺流及
It is also noted in the catalogue that the Yongzheng emperor not only   壺把裝飾於本壺類似,見耿寶昌編,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:
encouraged the imitation of the Japanese lacquerware technique          紫砂器》,上海,2008年,頁5,圖4。另參看對比清宮舊藏中一件
in the imperial factories, but also promoted the implementation of      清乾隆黑漆描金菊花壺以及另一件類似的吉慶有餘紋壺,參見同著
lacquerware styles and designs on other mediums, see ibid., p.20.       錄,頁32-33,圖25-26,兩壺底部均刻有「大清乾隆年製」六字篆
There are several Yixing teapots in the Qing Court Collection with
similar designs, preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing, including     傳世品中之例子,見日本私人舊藏一件類似的清乾隆御製紫砂胎髹
a related square teapot dated to the Yongzheng period where similar     漆描金加彩花卉紋方壺,後於中國嘉德售出,2013年5月14日,編號
gilt decorations can be found on the spout and handle, and other        3998。好善簃舊藏一見清乾隆紫泥藍底粉彩菊花紋壺,雖裝飾工藝不
two similarly decorated teapots also with gilt-incised Qianlong seal    同,但紫泥泥胎與本壺類似,可資參考,後售於香港邦瀚斯,2011年
marks and of the period, illustrated by Geng Baochang, The Complete     11月28日,編號251。
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Purple Sandy Ware,
Shanghai, 2008, pp.5, 32-33, nos.4, 25 and 26.

See a very similar imperial Yixing stoneware teapot coated in black
lacquer, sold at China Guardian, 14 May 2013, lot 3998. Compare
also with an enamelled Yixing teapot with impressed Qianlong seal
mark and of the period from the Mr and Mrs Gerard Hawthorn
Collection, sold in these rooms, 28 November 2011, lot 251, where
the quality and tone of the Yixing clay used were found similar to the
current teapot.

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