Page 181 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 181

199                                                            The inscription literally translates as ‘Longevity. Incised by He
An Yixing stoneware ‘longevity’                                Xinzhou in the winter of yiwei year (AD1895)’.
teapot and cover
Tongzhi, incised He Xinzhou                                    He Xinzhou (circa 1829-1897) was active during the second
Of semi-circular cross-section standing on two thickly-potted  half of the nineteenth century, not only as a potter, but also a
feet, one side carved with a recumbent elderly scholar beside  calligrapher and carver. From a young age he worked closely
by an incised eight-character zhuanshu and kaishu inscription  with a group of prominent artists from Shanghai. He is known
set with a short curved spout and C-shaped handle at the       to have worked with the scholar and calligrapher Mei Tiaoding
ends, the flattened crescent shape cover surmounted by a       (1839-1906) and the nobles from both Shanghai and Zhejiang
half-ring knop, the underside of the handle impressed with a   areas during later times, he moved together with his potter-
two-character zhuanshu oval seal mark, the stoneware of a      friend, Wang Dongshi to Ningbo, to produce teapots for the
reddish-brown hue.                                             literary circles.
16.4cm (6 1/2in) wide (2).
                                                               Compare another Yixing stoneware teapot with different form
HK$100,000 - 200,000                                           but also incised by He Xinzhou from the Mr and Mrs Jimmy
US$13,000 - 26,000                                             Sha Collection, sold in these rooms, 24 November 2013, lot
                                                               112, and a related Yixing stoneware snuff bottle, formerly in the
清同治 玉成窯何心舟款半月壺                                                 Arthur Gadsby and J & J collections, later sold in these rooms,
「長壽。乙未冬心舟刻。」刻款                                                 the Snuff Bottles from the Mary and George Bloch Collection:
「心舟」篆書款                                                        Part III, 25 May 2011, lot 115.


                                                               見Jimmy Sha伉儷舊藏一件清同治玉成窯王東石款段泥刻詩文
                                                               參看另一件Arthur Gadsby及J&J舊藏,後於瑪麗及莊智博收藏
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