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200                                                                      十九世紀 紫泥福壽雙全桃形壺
An Yixing stoneware ‘peach and bat’                                      「大□」楷書款
teapot and cover
19th century                                                             壺呈桃形,短彎流,以桃樹枝幹作壺鈕及壺把,把端分叉處個結桃葉
The compressed ovoid body moulded in the form of a peach, the            及兩小壽桃,壺蓋及壺身兩面各浮雕蝙蝠一隻,寓意萬福吉祥,壺身
naturalistic C-shaped handle and knop as gnarled leafy branches          一面從壺流至壺把作一條桃縫。壺蓋內鈐有「大□」楷書印,字跡依
issuing further small peaches with three bats feeding off the succulent  稀難判。整壺造型別緻,胎質細膩瑩潤。
fruit, the stoneware of a dark brown hue, the underside of the cover
with an impressed two-character kaishu rectangular mark.                 參看羅桂祥收藏中另一件紫泥福壽雙全桃形壺,與本壺如出一轍,見
18.3cm (7 1/4in) wide (2).                                               羅桂祥編,《The Stonewares of Yixing: From the Ming Period to the
                                                                         Present Day》,香港,1986年,頁155,圖84。
HK$80,000 - 120,000
US$10,000 - 15,000

Compare with another Yixing teapot with identical design from the
K.S.Lo Collection, illustrated in The Stonewares of Yixing: From the
Ming Period to the Present Day, Hong Kong, 1986, p.155, pl.84.

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