Page 73 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 73
The striking combination of diamond cartouches and boss decoration, 器高身,敞口,口沿外侈,腹壁微斂,底承高圈足,圈微撇,上窄下
as seen on the present lot, appear to have been particularly admired 闊。整器紋飾分三層而飾。器口沿下飾鳥紋一周,以雲雷紋作地,並
and used on various shaped vessels in Shaanxi province during the 間以兩浮雕獸首。鳥紋下方為主體器腹,飾以斜菱格乳釘紋,菱格內
Yinxu or Anyang period. Excavated examples are illustrated and 雷紋填地。圈足則飾一周三組獸面紋,中有淺扉棱作獸面鼻樑,左右
discussed by R.Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler 以雲雷紋相襯。器內壁底部刻有一「史」字銘文。整齊紋飾佈局清
Collections, Washington, 1987, pp.504-507, no.98, and pp.510-14, 晰,工藝考究,泛綠銅鏽更添古意。
nos.100 and 101. It is evident a wide variety of decorative elements,
of different designs and in various levels of relief, were used to 西方學者在其學術傳承中常稱這種敞口、無耳的銅簋為盂。簋是青銅
demonstrate the high level of casting and skillful techniques bronze 彝器組合中重要的類型,始見於商代,至西周時期依然流行,是在饗
craftsmen at Shang foundries achieved by this period. The present lot 宴及祭祀時使用作盛放熟食的器皿,通常與鼎同時使用。
with a narrow band of zoomorphic dragon or bird like motifs, on an
intricate leiwen ground, interspersed by raised animal masks, is a fine 「史」是商代晚期至西周早期的重要大族,而現知的史族銅器分佈範
example of this. A comparable yu, with very similar zoomorphic motifs 圍廣泛,主要出於山東滕州市及泗水縣,其餘散見於河南安陽以及陝
below the mouth rim is illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji vol.4, 西寶雞、耀縣等地。現在根據甲骨文、青銅器銘文中有關史族的資
Beijing, 2006, p.32, no.32. Another yu with a very similar band of 料,結合文獻中薛國的記載,基本認為,「史」就是商代薛國的族氏
animal heads and zoomorphic designs, formerly in the Collection of Dr. 銘文,史氏即殷周之薛侯,史氏司天文,主要為戰爭進行祭禱,也有
A.F.Philips, was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 22 March 2011, lot 14. 軍事職守。見何景成,「商代史族研究」,刊登於《華夏考古》,河
Interestingly the diamond cartouches on the present yu are squarer 南,2007年2期。
in shape than most pieces of this type. Compare vessels also with
squarer form diamonds, but less uniformed and crisp, illustrated in 此器紋飾組合較為特殊,類似使用斜菱格雲雷紋及乳釘紋組合的
ibid., p.33, no.33, and Zhongguo qingtong quanji vol.2, Beijing, 2006, 紋飾,在陝西省出土的殷墟或安陽時期不同器物上也有所見,詳
p.93, no.91. 例可見R.Bagley,《Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler
Bronze ritual vessels like the present lot, with high quality casting and 圖100及101。另見1971年山西右玉大川出土一件商代晚期乳釘雷紋
a pictogram, were extremely prized and reflect the importance of 簋,現藏於右玉縣博物館,除多出一周凸出火紋外,其他紋飾均與本
ancestral worship. Pictograms cast on such vessels, usually indicates 拍品如出一轍,見《中國青銅器全集:商4》,北京,2006年,頁32
the individual who commissioned it. ,圖32。
Compare a yu of similar shape with a flaring mouth rim, cast 傳世品中的例子,見A.F.Philips博士舊藏一件類似的青銅盂,後售於
pictograms, but with different decorative bands, sold at Sotheby’s 紐約蘇富比,2011年3月22日,編號14。另見紐約蘇富比曾售出另一
New York, 11 September 2012, lot 95. Another comparable example 件紋飾稍有不同的青銅盂,2012年9月11日,編號95,以及紐約佳士
without a pictogram was sold at Christie’s New York, 16 September
2010, lot 2508. 得售出一件紋飾異樣的青銅盂,2010年9月16日,編號2508。