Page 92 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 92

Various owners 各方藏家

A very rare cinnabar lacquer square dish
Early 15th century
Finely carved with a band of various flower blooms on leafy stems,
surrounding a courtyard scene within a square panel, depicting a
scholar standing outside a small pavilion, beneath a large gnarled pine
tree, gazing out in admiration of a gushing waterfall surrounded by
rockwork, his attendant waiting inside beside a table with a teapcup,
all in relief on intricately carved diaper grounds, the exterior decorated
with a similar band of leafy blooms, Japanese wood box and cover.
17.8cm (7in) square (3).

HK$1,500,000 - 1,800,000
US$190,000 - 230,000

十五世紀早期 剔紅觀瀑圖方盤

Laquerware from the early Ming period, notably those from the Yongle        明早期尤其是永宣時期可說是漆器歷史上的輝煌繁榮之盛,其極致的
and Xuande reigns, are known for extremely fine carving quality, as         雕刻刀法和紋飾的嚴謹構圖無疑已達到卓越的工藝水平。從裝飾紋樣
well as orderly and elegant arrangement of flowers and leaves. Figural      如樹石花卉、山水人物等可見不同的題材,處理手法各具特色,以花
and landscape compositions from this period also typically exhibit          卉為題材的作品,均密不見地;而表現山水人物的作品,均用不同
the use of different treatments to the background. This was done            的錦紋來表現天、地、水紋,本拍品把這種風格和技藝嫻熟地表現了
as a means of distinguishing the various elements of a landscape.           出來。
Intricately carved cross, wave and embroidery type geometric patterns
and lines were utilised to denote the foreground (land), middle-            台北國立故宮博物院藏一件明宣德帶款的剔紅圓蓋盒,其紋飾構圖、
ground (water or sea) and the sky. This was done to great effect, as        錦地和花卉圖案均與本拍品類似,著錄於《和光剔采:故宮藏漆》
exemplified by the present lot.                                             ,台北,2008年,頁49,圖版29。另對比一件明永樂蓋盒,其觀瀑
A Xuande mark and period cinnabar lacquer circular box and cover,           港,2006年,圖版43。
with similar design composition, diaper grounds, and bands of flowers
and leaves, is illustrated in Carving the Subtle Radiance of Colors,
Treasured Lacquerware in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008,
p.49, no.29. Compare also a Yongle period box and cover with the
same decorative theme, of a scholar within a courtyard admiring
a waterfall, is illustrated in The Complete Treasures of the Palace
Museum: Lacquer Wares of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Hong
Kong, 2006, p.64, no.43.

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