Page 123 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 123

               A GROUP OF FOUR GLASS INSET                       戰國   玉環嵌琉璃四件
               JADE DISCS                                        來源
               WARRING STATES PERIOD,                            藍田山房舊藏,1992 年購於台北
               CIRCA 475-221 BC
               Each jade flat disc is of cicular form, the middle is inset with a   《Ancient Chinese Jades from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection in the
               convex knob of intense dark blue and whtie glass eye-beads.  Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University》,劍橋,1945 年,圖版 524 號。
               Largest: 1—/”ÿ in. (4 cm.) diam, box          (4)
               HK$80,000-120,000             US$11,000-16,000

               Lantien Shanfang Collection, acquired in Taipei in 1992

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