Page 120 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 120

戰國 琉璃珠                                          2772
                                                           A STRAND OF GLASS BEADS
           製造琉璃,可能有些由西方引入,也有國內自己的製品,                       WARRING STATES PERIOD,
           西方製造的琉璃含有較高的鈉和鈣成分,而當中國自製的                       CIRCA 475-221 BC
           琉璃卻含有較高的鉛和鋇的成分,這兩種成分不同的琉璃                       The strand comprises of 106 globular glass beads of various sizes,
           目前已被公認為區別琉璃產地的主要依據。                             each decorated with concentric circles, dotted lines and bosses,
                                                           all picked out in turquoise, blue, white and tan reserved on blue
           琉璃也經常與玉或鎏金、青銅等作為複合工藝的裝飾品,                       coloured ground.
           增加器物的華麗感。                                       15¡ in. (39 cm.) long overall, box
                                                           HK$80,000-120,000            US$11,000-16,000
           BEADS                                           PROVENANCE
                                                           Lantien Shanfang Collection, acquired in Hong Kong in 1992
           Glass  beads were manufactured during Warring
           States as ornaments, but some of them might have   戰國   藍色琉璃珠串飾
           been imported from the west, since they were also
           made in West Asia. Western glass beads have higher   來源
           sodium and calcium content, while Chinese beads are   藍田山房舊藏,1992 年購於香港
           high in lead and barium. The difference in composition   湖北隨縣曾侯乙墓中有類似料珠串,見《中國考古文物之美》,第 5 卷,
           is sometimes used to differentiate the origin of their   北京,1994 年,146 頁,左下圖。
           manufacture. Glass pieces were often combined with
           jade, gilt bronze or bronze to form composite pieces,
           adding a touch of luxury to the objects.

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