Page 124 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 124

         A GROUP OF THREE JADE ROPE-                       戰國   玉扭絲環三件
         TWIST RINGS, HUAN                                 來源
         WARRING STATES PERIOD,                            藍田山房舊藏,1991 年購於台北
         CIRCA 475-221 BC
                                                           扭絲紋亦見於春秋時期玉環上,可比較河南省固始縣侯王堆 1 號墓出土
         Each jade huan is carved  as a continuous twisted rope.   例,現藏於河南省文物考古研究所,見古方著《中國古玉器圖典》,
         Largest: 2 in. (5 cm.) diam, box             (3)
                                                           2017 年,199 頁。
         HK$30,000-50,000               US$3,900-6,500
         Lantien Shanfang Collection, acquired in Taipei in 1991

         The twist-rope decoration was also found on Spring and Autumn Period
         jades. Compare to a huan, illustrated in The Pictorial Handbook of
         Ancient Chinese Jades, 2017, p.199

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