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                                                           DONG QICHANG 1555-1636                    LITERATURE                                                                     董其昌  書畫合璧卷                                (董鴻起)「董鴻起」、「別號靜菴」、「書畫癖」、
                                                                                                     Fang Xunyi, Mengyuan Shuhua Lu, vol. 13, “Handscroll of                                                                  「靜菴鑒賞」
                                                           LANDSCAPE AFTER MI FU AND POEM IN RUNNING                                                                                水墨絹本  手卷
                                                           SCRIPT                                    Landscape and Calligraphy”, (Zhongguo Shuhua Quanshu,                                                                    出版
                                                                                                     Shanghai: Shuhua Chubanshe, 2009, 2nd ed., vol. 17, p. 451)
                                                           ink on silk, handscroll                   PROVENANCE                                                                     (畫)款識:倣米家山。玄宰。鈐印:董其昌                      方濬頤,《夢園書畫錄》卷十三,「明董香光書畫合
                                                           Painting signed Xuanzai and with one seal of the artist   Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and                                               璧卷」,(《中國書畫全書》,上海書畫出版社,2009
                                                           Calligraphy signed Qichang and with three seals of the artist   Calligraphy, November 3, 1997, lot 30                    風花酌酒頻。鶯啼非選樹,魚戲不驚綸。年華已可樂,                  年,第二版,第17卷,頁451)
                                                           Colophon by Fang Xunyi (1815-1889), signed Renzhai Di Fang                                                               高興復留人。
                                                           Xunyi, dated gengchen (1880), with a dedication and with one   HK$ 500,000-700,000                                       款識:其昌。鈐印:「玄賞齋」、「知制誥日講官」、                  來源
                                                           seal of his                               US$ 64,500-90,500                                                                                                        香港佳士得,中國古代書畫,1997年11月3日,拍品編
                                                           with two collector’s seals of Fang Xunyi and four collector’s                                                            「董其昌印」                                    號30
                                                           seals of Dong Hongqi (1786-?)                                                                                            題跋:(方濬頤)予所藏文敏書畫皆是真品。庚辰
                                                           (painting) 25 by 109.3 cm. 9⅞ by 43 in.                                                                                  (1880)仲秋,始帰肥上。以此卷寄贈偉堂仁兄大人,
                                                           (calligraphy) 25 by 131 cm. 9⅞ by 51½ in.                                                                                聊為芹獻云尓。忍齋弟方濬頤識。鈐印:「忍齋詞翰」

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