Page 16 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 16

               ⺗         COVER, ZUN,
               ږ         HAN DYNASTY

               ვ         the cylindrical body decorated with a main frieze enclosing an undulating silvered cloud scroll, amid the scrolls with finely rendered
               ޕ         animals, such as a pheasant, a leaping deer, a pouncing bear and other mythical creatures, all below a silvered chevron band, the vessel
               ᓳ         flanked by a pair of mask handles suspending loose rings, supported on three crouching bears as feet, the slightly domed cover with
                         two concave bands forming three concentric rings, each ring similarly decorated with a variety of animals amid meandering scrolls, the
               ७         cover set with three bird-shaped finials and a small loop knob on a quatrefoil design in relief, the base with additional silvered scrolls
                         overall h. 17.8 cm, d. 18.5 cm
               ࠯         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
                         R.H. Ellsworth Ltd, New York, 21st December 1987.
               მ         EXHIBITED                                       τܠჃdॲߒd1987ϋ12˜21˚
               ᐑ         Ancient Chinese and Ordos Bronzes, Oriental Ceramic Society of   ڡზၳߵjʕ਷̚˾ၾඈဧε౶ڡზኜ‘d࠰ಥ؇˙ௗନኪ

               ႊ         Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1990.  ึd࠰ಥᖵஔ᎜d࠰ಥd1990ϋ
               ው         Jessica Rawson and Emma C. Bunker, Ancient Chinese and Ordos   ̈وj
                         Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 43.          ᖯಌʿฌီgႷࣸdڡზၳߵjʕ਷̚˾ၾඈဧε౶ڡზኜ‘
                         HK$ 400,000-600,000
                         US$ 51,000-76,500

                         Cylindrical vessels of this form were based upon lacquerwares from   form of the Dachuan vessel "is typical of Chu lacquers and quite
                         the late Warring States to the early Han dynasty. The raised borders   new to the Yellow river area" and it bears features borrowed from
                         circulating the rims imitate the metal bands used to reinforce the   different areas. Stylistically inspired by the animal motifs in Mongolia
                         lacquer vessels. Zoomorphic feet and handles can also be traced   and southern Siberia, the creatures are employed "to express beliefs
                         back to lacquerware.                            derived from the south, and especially from Chu, but also from the
                                                                         state of Qi to the east" (p. 292). On the present vessel, while the
                         A set of Western Han dynasty lacquer vessels with gold-foiled   animals are derived from ordos tradition, the scrolling clouds recall
                         figures and animals surrounded by clouds was excavated from   the flowing lines of Chu lacquer painting.
                         Hanjiang in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, now preserved at the Yangzhou
                         Museum, and published on the museum website. The set includes a   A slightly taller covered vessel of this form, surmounted with a
                         cylindrical vessel ornated with silver bands and a fitted cover similarly   phoenix knop among three further birds, parcelled-gilt and silvered
                         adorned with a flower motif at the centre.      with two tiers of animals amidst clouds around the sides, was included
                                                                         in the exhibition Ancient Chinese Bronzes of Han Dynasties (202B.C.-
                         A larger gilt-bronze zun of this form but cast with an animal design   220A.D.), Tenri University Sankokan Museum, Nara, 1990, illustrated
                         in  relief was  excavated  from Dachuan in  Shanxi and is  now in   on the cover. Compare also a white stone vessel of this form but
                         the Shanxi Museum, Taiyuan (Jessica Rawson, 'Commanding   without a from the tomb of Liu Hong (d. 306), Huangshantou,
                         the  Spirits:  Control  Through  Bronze  and  Jade',  Chinese Bronzes:   Hunan, attributed to the Eastern Han period, carved with two friezes
                         Selected Articles from Orientations 1983-2000, Hong Kong, 2001,   of mythical animals among clouds, including a lunging bear similar to
                         pp. 288-300, fig. 7). Rawson suggests that it was probably made for   that of the present vessel (Rawson, op.cit., fig. 17 and 17a).
                         a member of the Western Han court. She observes that the circular

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