Page 18 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 18

The Liangzhu culture in the Yangtze River Delta, which flourished   ڗϪɨದᐑ˄ಳݴਹԄଃ˖׼dʮʩۃߒɧɷεϋЇɚɷϋସ฽
                  from the late 4th to the end of the 3rd millennium BC, was one   ɓࣛdމܝ˰वɨʔˇ˖ʷ፲ପd༐௰ࠠࠅٙʕ਷อͩኜࣛ˾˖
                  of the most prominent Neolithic Chinese civilizations. Among the   ʷʘɓfၝᝈԄଃ̚يd຅ʕɦˈ˸͗∑௰Ո˾ڌ׌dεя̮˙
                  large variety of Liangzhu artefacts, cong – tubular jades with a central   ʫ෥ʘًdස஢൮ૄԴ͜f͗∑ࡡԸٙ൥ᅄၾ͜௄d޴ڦϘʊᎇ
                  perforation – stand out as iconic of this culture. They were made   Ԅଃ˖ʷٙসໝϾ⛥๘dШֻܝᅰɷϋdεˇᔛ࢕eኪ٫eᖵΘ
                  for the most prestigious ranks in the society. Although the original
                  meanings of cong were lost following the decline of the Liangzhu   ᅉՉόe޼Չ່eᚃՉႡfԄଃᒱ؝d͗∑π˰dίʕ਷ᖵஔዝ
                  culture, their form continued to fascinate generations of collectors,   ̦ႀ̨ɪᖢЦࠅࢩd๕Ⴣݴڗf
                  connoisseurs, scholars and artisans for centuries. The importance of
                  cong in the history of Chinese art therefore cannot be overstated.  ͗∑ᕑۨdમ˓ᙃʘόdя෥Җdུఊᄴᖕࠦ७d̶ͦ෥ບdφ
                  The earliest cong have the form of a circular bangle with a single   Ϟᖕࠦd෥ͦฆ̉dɹᄀတၢ՜Ϝ୚७fᝈग़ɛᖕࠦʹಁމུʘ
                  tier of zoomorphic masks. The rectangular form soon took over   ͗∑d̙઄ϤኜɪהུᏐ᙮ग़ɛʘᑕdᕘɪዑ७א൥ᅄՉϻڿf
                  and the motif became more complex, often featuring a crowned   ՑəԄଃ˖ʷૉಂd̈ତ༰ενϤۜٙεᄴ͗∑dྡࣩٙ௕Ս୚
                  human figure, perhaps a shaman, on top of an animal mask with   ᇞ༰ˇdࠦ७һᒈᔊߒf
                  protruding goggled eyes. Examples with alternating registers of
                  stylised human faces and animal masks suggest that the motif seen   ᕐᄴ͗∑dˀʆ፲ѧ೯ઢϞԈdଫ༰Ϥ৷dᇜ໮M14:181dତᔛ
                  on the present  cong represents the face of the shaman and the   ؄ψԄଃ௹ي᎜dϗɝԄଃၾ̚˾ʕ਷j͗ኜᜑͪٙʞɷϋ˖
                  striated bands probably symbolise the headdress. Towards the dusk   ׼‘d݂ࢗ௹ي৫d̏ԯd2019ϋdᇜ໮11dԨ̤̊ɓˉʂ༰
                  of the Liangzhu civilization, these elaborate, fine engravings slowly   ɽٙᕐᄴ͗∑d͗ሯe̍ᆉѩၾϤ޴ᗳdኜʫ௕Ս৻ඤ੿Ⴁ་
                  disappeared and simpler designs appeared, while at the same time
                  taller cong with multiple rows of faces were made.  ˖dᇜ໮198f

                  A  slightly taller  cong  with  two tiers  of  faces was  excavated from   Ϥ͗∑Շᄴུ७я˥̻࿁၈d͍ˀग़ɛᑕ࢙ɪɨ࿁๫d฽މӼ
                  Fanshan, no. M14:181, now in the Liangzhu Museum, Hangzhou, and   Ϟd͊ԈϞᗳԷഹ፽f್ग़ɛᖕࠦ७ٙб͉҅ڢɓϓʔᜊdν̏
                  included in Liangzhu and Ancient China: The 5000 Year Civilization   ԯ݂ࢗ௹ي৫ᔛሌЍᕐᄴ͗∑dᖕࠦίɪdग़ɛίɨdၾɓছண
                  Demonstrated by Jades, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2019, cat. no. 11,   ࠇࠕମf༈∑ʫɰ᚟৻ඤ੿Ⴁ་̩d̈ஈΝɪdᇜ໮199f
                  together with a larger two-tiered example with a patina similar to
                  that of the present example, inscised on the interior in the Qianlong
                  period with an imperial poem, cat. no. 198.

                  The arrangement of the confronting rows of faces on the present
                  cong is highly unusual and no other example appears to be published.
                  However, compositional deviation is known in the Liangzhu culture;
                  a brown jade two-tiered example carved with animal masks above
                  the row of shamen, also later inscribed with an imperial poem by
                  the Qianlong Emperor, is preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing
                  (ibid., cat. no. 199).

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