Page 28 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
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           Г   ͗         A JADE 'FIGURE AND DRAGON' PLAQUE,                                                                                    մ ڡ            A BRONZE 'FELINE' HANDLE,
           մ   ɛ         WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, 10TH CENTURY BC                                                                                      ზ         ZHOU DYNASTY
           ʮ   Ꮂ         the flat plaque carved and reticulated in the shape of a figure squatting atop the upturned snout of a dragon shown in profile view, the   ᖕ  originally affixed to the exterior of a vessel and clambering up over the rim, the animal rendered with a sinuous scaly body with a plain

           ʩ   ७         dragon detailed with scrolls and circles, perforated in the flange on the head of the figure and in the neck of the dragon  Ѐ        band running along the spine, terminating in a long upcurled tail, its head straining forward, depicted with prominent circular eyes, large
           ۃ   भ         6.6 cm                                                                                                                               pointed ears, a broad snout and a wide open mouth, supported by a modern stand
                                                                                                                                                              h. 12.7 cm, overall h. 16.7 cm
           ɤ             PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
                         C.T. Loo & Co., New York.                       ጅٿᓈdॲߒ                                                                               PROVENANCE                                     LITERATURE
           ˰             Frank Caro, New York, 1958.                     ̿ᚆдg̔ᖯdॲߒd1958ϋ                                                                      Collection of Prince Louis de Polignac (1909-96), Paris.   Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from the Wessen and
           ߏ             Collection of Arthur M. Sackler (1913-87).      ԭ๾gᒄдਔ€1913-87ϋϗᔛ                                                                   Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1980.                    Other Collections, Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1980, cat. no. 8.
                         Christie's New York, 18th March 2009, lot 262.                                                                                       Shirley Day Ltd, London, 8th December 1997.
                         EXHIBITED                                                                                                                            EXHIBITED
                         3000 Years of Chinese Jade, Arden Gallery, New York, 1939.                                                                           Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from the Wessen and
                         Exhibition of Chinese Arts, C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1941-42.   3000 Years of Chinese Jade‘d Arden Gallerydॲߒd1939ϋ                Other Collections, Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1980.
                         An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades, Norton Gallery of Art,   Exhibition of Chinese Arts‘dጅٿᓈdॲߒd1941-42ϋ
                         West Palm Beach, Florida, 1950.                 An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades‘dፕ཭ߕஔ᎜d                                      HK$ 100,000-150,000
                                                                         ГಅᖈᛉdНᖯԢ༺ψd1950ϋ                                                                     US$ 12,800-19,200
                         Alfred Salmony, Carved Jades of Ancient China, Berkeley, 1938,   ̈وj
                         pl. XXIX:2.                                     Alfred SalmonydCarved Jades of Ancient China‘dЬд                                    Ը๕j
                         3000 Years of Chinese Jade, Arden Gallery, New York, 1939, cat.   лd                                                                 ༩׸gᅃgتлचдˮɿ€1909-96ϋϗᔛdˋኇ
                         no. 129, unillustrated.                         1938ϋdྡوXXIX:2                                                                       ࡾ౶̔ॶᄁdࡐ౱d1980ϋ
                         Exhibition of Chinese Arts, C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1941, cat.   3000 Years of Chinese Jade‘d Arden Galleryd ॲߒd                  Shirley Day Ltddࡐ౱d1997ϋ12˜8˚
                         no. 276.                                        1939ϋdᇜ໮129€ೌྡ
                         An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades, arranged for Norton   Exhibition of Chinese Arts‘dጅٿᓈdॲߒd1941ϋd                             ࢝ᚎj
                         Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, C.T. Loo, inc., New York,   ᇜ໮276                                                          Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from the Wessen
                         1950, pl. XXXI:5.                                                                                                                    and Other Collections‘dࡾ౶̔ॶᄁdࡐ౱d1980ϋ
                                                                         An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades, arranged for Norton
                         HK$ 80,000-120,000                              Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida‘dጅٿᓈdॲߒd                                    ̈وj
                         US$ 10,200-15,300                               1950ϋdྡوXXXI:5                                                                       Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from the Wessen
                                                                                                                                                              and Other Collections‘dࡾ౶̔ॶᄁdࡐ౱d1980ϋd

         54 I FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUING  ༉းྡ፽ʫ࢙ሗᓭᚎ  SOTHEBYS.COM/HK1293                                                                                                                                            THE PERSONAL COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR JOSEPH HOTUNG  I 55
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