Page 29 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 29

                                                                                                                                               ࡥ    ⺗         TWO MINIATURE GILT-BRONZE FIGURES OF
                                                                                                                                                   ږ          BODHISATTVAS,
                                                                                                                                                   ზ          TANG DYNASTY

                                                                                                                                                   ங          each modelled seated in royal ease, one with the hands clasped together before the chest, the other with one arm resting on the raised
                                                                                                                                                   ޜ          knee and holding a willow branch, both with an expressive face looking intently and gazing upwards, adorned with an ornamented
                                                                                                                                                   മ          headdress, jewellery, sashes and a draped dhoti, supported by a lotus base and a pedestal
                                                                                                                                                              overall h. 5.5 and 5.9 cm
                                                                                                                                                   ᔜ          PROVENANCE                                     Ը๕j

                         125                                                                                                                       Ѭ          Galaxie Art & Gift Co., Hong Kong, 25th August 1988.  ྗᖵʈᖵۜϞࠢʮ̡d࠰ಥd1988ϋ8˜25˚
           ࡥ   ҅         A SMALL PARCEL-GILT SILVER COSMETIC BOX AND COVER,                                                                        ྅          EXHIBITED                                      ࢝ᚎj
           ɞ   ௅         TANG DYNASTY, 2ND HALF OF 8TH CENTURY                                                                                     Շ          British Museum, London, on loan, 1992-2015.    ɽߵ௹ي᎜dࡐ౱d࠾࢝d1992-2015ϋ
           ˰   ⺗         of circular form, the slightly domed cover and the base of the box intricately worked in repoussé, each with a rosette comprising of an   య  HK$ 100,000-150,000
                                                                                                                                                              US$ 12,800-19,200
           ߏ   ږ         elaborate interlaced scroll encircling a central hexafoil floret, the tendrils bearing on and enclosed by looping stems, all against a densely
           ɨ   ვ         ring-matted background, the details further enhanced by gilding, the straight sides and interior left undecorated
                         d. 3.7 cm, h. 2.1 cm
           ̒   ᗪ         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j
           ໢    ڀ        Collection of the Hakutsuru Fine Art Museum, Kobe.   ͣᚲߕஔ᎜ϗᔛdग़˒

               ʃ         Eskenazi Ltd, London, 15th August 1988.         ࡾ౶̔ॶᄁdࡐ౱d1988ϋ8˜15˚
               ෥                                                         ࢝ᚎj
                          Tang, Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1987.
               ႊ         LITERATURE                                      Tang‘dࡾ౶̔ॶᄁdࡐ౱d1987ϋ

               ଷ         Tang, Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1987, cat. no. 12.  ̈وj
                         HK$ 30,000-50,000
                         US$ 3,850-6,400
                         A closely related silver box of this circular form and design is illustrated
                         in Bo Gyllensvärd,  Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe
                         Collection, Stockholm, 1953, pl. 89. See also an example included in
                         Han Wei and Christian Deydier, Ancient Chinese Gold, Paris, 2001,
                         pl. 355; and another from the collection of Avery Brundage is similarly
                         decorated with an overall design of scrolls derived from the floral
                         repertory chased on a fine ring-matted ground, now in the Asian Art
                         Museum, San Francisco, accession no. B60M346.

                                Top view

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