Page 33 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
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           ׼    ͣ        A MINIATURE WHITE JADE FIGURE OF A PHOENIX,                                                                           ؇   ڡ          A RETICULATED CELADON JADE 'DRAGON' PLAQUE,

               ͗         MING DYNASTY                                                                                                          մ    ͣ         EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY
               ჾ         depicted in flight with its head held high and wings outstretched, its plumage well detailed and finely carved, the translucent stone of   ͗  the slightly curved plaque intricately reticulated with a complex and symmetrical design of a pair of stylised S-shaped animals, each

               ௢         an even celadon-tinged white tone with russet inclusions                                                                  ீ          with a sinuous body terminated in a bifurcated tail, the body detailed with interlinked C-scrolls with subtle beveling, all outlined within
                         3.1 cm                                                                                                                               meticulously striated borders, the reverse undecorated and pierced with four small diagonal perforations
                                                                                                                                                   ᎉ          4.8 by 5 cm
                         PROVENANCE                                      Ը๕j                                                                       ᕐ
                         Chung Wah Pui, Hong Kong, 6th July 1993.        ᒤശ੃d࠰ಥd1993ϋ7˜6˚                                                                     PROVENANCE                                     Ը๕j
                         EXHIBITED                                       ࢝ᚎj                                                                       Ꮂ          Christie's New York, 2nd December 1985, lot 50.  ॲߒԳɻ੻1985ϋ12˜2˚dᇜ໮50
                         British Museum, London, on loan, 1995.          ɽߵ௹ي᎜dࡐ౱d࠾࢝d1995ϋ                                                         ७          EXHIBITED                                      ࢝ᚎj
                         Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,                                                                 ུ          British Museum, London, on loan, 1995.
                         1996.                                           ʕ਷ӽ͛͗ᎉ‘d࠰ಥᖵஔ᎜d࠰ಥd1996ϋ                                                              LITERATURE                                     ɽߵ௹ي᎜dࡐ౱d࠾࢝d1995ϋ
                                                                         ̈وj                                                                                                                                 ̈وj
                         LITERATURE                                                                                                                           Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing,
                         Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing,   ᖯಌdChinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing‘d                     London, 1995, pl. 17:14.                       ᖯಌdChinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing‘d
                         London, 1995, pl. 25:10.                        ࡐ౱d1995ϋdྡو25:10                                                                                                                    ࡐ౱d1995ϋdྡو17:14
                         Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 82.   ʕ਷ӽ͛͗ᎉ‘d࠰ಥd1996ϋdᇜ໮82                                                         HK$ 150,000-200,000
                                                                                                                                                              US$ 19,200-25,500
                         HK$ 30,000-50,000
                         US$ 3,850-6,400

                                                                                                                                                              Ingeniously designed, the openwork plaque depicts a pair of dragons   A similar double-dragon plaque was discovered in Luoyang and
                                                                                                                                                              with their dynamic bodies leaning back to back. The effect of the play   published in 'Luoyang xijiao yihao zhanguo mu fajue ji [Excavcation
                                                                                                                                                              of light through the jade is enhanced by the striated borders and the   report of the Warring States tomb no. 1 in the western suburbs of
                                                                                                                                                              subtlety bevelled interlinked scrolls. The curvature and perforations   Luoyang]', Kaogu / Archaeology, 1959, no. 12, pp. 653-7, pl. 3, no. 8.
                                                                                                                                                              of the present plaque suggest that it was made for attachment to
                                                                                                                                                              some other material (Rawson, ibid., p. 272).

         64 I FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUING  ༉းྡ፽ʫ࢙ሗᓭᚎ  SOTHEBYS.COM/HK1293                                                                                                                                            THE PERSONAL COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR JOSEPH HOTUNG  I 65
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