Page 134 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 134

         A RARE GOLD FIGURE OF A QILIN                     元   金麒麟

         YUAN DYNASTY (1279-1368)
         The double horned qilin is hammered standing four-square with   英國私人收藏,於1980年代購於香港
         a hollowed body. Its head is chased with bulging eyes, furry
         eyebrows and open jaws revealing its set of fangs and tongue. The   中國對瑞獸麒麟有多個傳說,其形象為獅頭、虎眼、鹿身、龍麟,主太
         body is defined with scales, serrated mane and upright bushy tail.   平、長壽、有仁人。元代十四世紀,麒麟面向前方飛躍的形象成為許多
         2 √ in. (7.3 cm.) high, box                       瓷器的裝飾圖案,常將其飾於青花盤內正中。是件麒麟整體姿態與元代
         HK$120,000-180,000              US$16,000-23,000  盤,一件載於三杉隆敏之《中近東之中國瓷器》,香港,1981 年,第 2
         PROVENANCE                                        冊,頁 90;另一件則載於埃斯肯納齊,《A Dealer’s Hand: The Chinese
         An English private collection, acquired in Hong Kong in the   Art World through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi》,倫敦,2012 年,頁
         1980s                                             295,圖版 300 號。
         There are numerous references in traditional Chinese mythology and
         symbolism to the qilin, an auspicious animal with a lion’s head, tiger’s
         eyes, deer’s body, dragon’s scales, horse’s hooves and the tail of an ox,
         symbolising longevity, fertility and flourishing age during the reign of a
         benevolent ruler. In the Yuan dynasty, particularly in the mid-fourteenth
         century, the image of the qilin became one of the most popular motifs
         depicted on porcelains, and is usually rendered with a galloping pose
         with the head facing forward in the centre of a dish.
         Compare with two Yuan blue and white dishes with the motif of
         a galloping qilin. One is published in T. Misugi, Chinese Porcelain
         Collections in the Near East-Topkapi and Ardebil and Tokapi, Hong
         Kong, 1981, vol. II, p. 90, and the other is illustrated in Hajni Elias and
         Giuseppe Eskenazi, A Dealer’s Hand: The Chinese Art World through the
         Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, p. 295, pl. 300.

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