Page 138 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 138
SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)
The boulder is modelled as a camel with legs tucked under its body 來源
and tail flicked to one side, its long neck and head turned to face 吳之方珍藏,台北,入藏於 1988 年以前
its back, the face detailed with rounded eyes and pricked-back ears.
The neck is incised with a band of linear lines simulating hair. The 出版
well polished stone is of an attractive greenish-yellow tone with 《中國文物世界》,1988 年 1 月號,頁 154, 圖 88 號
concentrated areas of russet and milky inclusions. 本玉駱駝源自台灣資深藏家吳之方。吳氏原籍上海,五十年代遷台,建
3 in. (7.6 cm.) long, box
HK$3,000,000-4,000,000 US$390,000-520,000 品以玉器、瓷器、銅器、鼻煙壺、文人珍玩為主。
The collection of C.F. Wu, Taipei, acquired prior to 1988 得。可參考幾件定年唐或宋代的駱駝玉雕,風格及姿態與本拍品近似,
一件為世德堂珍藏,1983 年 10 月 21 日至 12 月 24 日展於敏求精舍及
LITERATURE 香港市政局合辦展覽《中國玉雕》,圖錄圖版 128 號(圖一);一件藏
Art of China, January 1988 issue, p. 154, no. 88
The current camel was in the collection of C.F. Wu, an esteemed Jades》,倫敦,1997 年,圖版 74 號;另一件為 Avery Brundage 舊藏,
Taiwanese collector active in the 1980s and 90s. Wu moved to Taiwan 定年唐代,現藏三藩市亞洲藝術博物館,著錄於屈志仁著,《Chinese
from Shanghai in the 50s and established a successful business in the
textile industry. In over two decades, Wu had amassed a substantial Jades from Han to Ch’ing》,紐約,1980 年,頁 61,圖版 39 號;一件
collection of Chinese art comprising mainly jades, ceramics, bronzes, 為 Richard C. Bull 伉儷珍藏,定年唐代或以後,1983 年 12 月 6 日於紐
snuff bottles and scholar’s objects. 約蘇富比拍賣,拍品 212 號。
Jade camels from the Tang and Song dynasties are often depicted
recumbent with a coiled neck, like the present carving. This aligns
with the stylistic change seen on Song dynasty art when animal
representations became much more naturalistic. A number of examples
modelled in a similar posture with the animal straining its neck to its
back or hoof, dated to the Tang or Song dynasty, are known, including
a yellow jade camel dating to the Tang dynasty from the Sze Tak Tang
Collection, included in the exhibition jointly presented by the Min Chiu
Society and Urban Council, Hong Kong, Chinese Jade Carving, Hong
Kong Museum of Art, 21 October 1983-24 December 1983, cat. no.
128 (fig. 1). Compare also to an example dating to the Tang dynasty
or later in the Victoria and Albert Museum, illustrated in Ming Wilson,
Chinese Jades, London, 1997, no. 74; another dated Tang dynasty in the
Avery Brundage Collection at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco,
illustrated by James Watt, Chinese Jades from Han to Ch’ing, New York,
1980, p. 61, no. 39; and one from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
C. Bull, dating to the Tang dynasty or later, sold at Sotheby’s New York,
6 December 1983, lot 212.
fig. 1 Collection of Sze Tak Tang. Photo credit: Chow Chung-lim
圖一 世德堂珍藏