Page 54 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 54
枝石榴花果紋盤(參閱 Rebecca Fung,《Ming Colours
– Polychrome Porcelain from Jingdezhen》,2006 年,頁
60-61,圖版 21 號。);景德鎮珠山御窯廠宣德地層亦
fig. 4 A brown-enamelled ‘peony’ dish. Xuande mark and period. 出土一件白地紫金釉折枝牡丹花果紋盤(參閱鴻禧美術
Collection of the Jingdezhen Archaeological Institute 館,《景德鎮出土明初官窯瓷器》,台北,1998 年,頁
圖四 明宣德 紫金釉牡丹紋盤 景德鎮陶瓷研究所藏品
86,圖版 85-1 號)(圖四);至於台北故宮博物院則
a white ground, there are versions in which the design appears
reserved in white against a blue ground, a version where the 官窯菁華特展圖錄》,台北,1998 年,頁 444-445,圖
blue design appears against a yellow ground, and versions with 版 195 號)(圖五)。據知,宣德年間在創燒是批盤樣
soy-brown decoration against white as well as pale coffee- 之後,相似之白地青花及黃地青花紋樣亦於成化、弘治
colour against white. A dish on which the pomegranate 年間繼又復燒。
spray and the fruiting sprays appear reserved in white against 若僅論現存明代宣德白地青花折枝石榴花紋盤之相似
blue was excavated from the Xuande stratum at the imperial 例,當有五件:台北故宮博物院藏有一例,出版於《明
kilns (illustrated by the Chang Foundation in Xuande Imperial 代宣德官窯菁華特展圖錄》,台北,1998 年,頁 448-
Porcelain excavated at Jingdezhen, op. cit., p.85, no. 84)(fig. 3).
A Xuande dish on which the underglaze blue pomegranate
spray and fruiting sprays appear against a yellow enamelled
ground is in the collection of Sir Percival David (illustrated
by Rebecca Feng, Ming Colours – Polychrome Porcelain from
Jingdezhen, London, 2006, pp. 60-1, no. 21). A dish on which
the peony spray and fruiting sprays are painted in soy-brown
against the white ground was excavated from the Xuande
stratum at Jingdezhen (illustrated in Xuande Imperial Porcelain
excavated at Jingdezhen, op. cit., p.86, no. 85-1)(fig. 4), while
the National Palace Museum has in its collection a dish on
which the gardenia spray and fruiting sprays appear in pale
coffee-brown against a white ground (illustrated in Catalogue
of the Special Exhibition of Selected Hsüan-te Imperial Porcelains of
the Ming Dynasty, op. cit., pp. 444-5, no. 195)(fig. 5). Of these
Xuande variants, it was primarily the blue and white and blue
and yellow versions which continued to be produced in the
Chenghua and Hongzhi periods.
fig. 5 A coffee-brown enamelled ‘gardenia’ dish. Xuande mark and period.
Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
圖五 明宣德 褐黃釉梔子花紋盤 國立故宮博物院藏品