Page 58 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 58

         A RARE BLUE AND WHITE ‘FIGURAL’                   明十五世紀   青花人物圖筒式三足爐
         MING DYNASTY, 15TH CENTURY                        來源
         The cylindrical censer is painted on the exterior with several
         figures in a garden scene, featuring a gentleman looking back at   有兩件造型及紋飾相似的青花爐可資比較。第一件藏北京故宮博物院,
         two scholars in conversation, followed by an attendant with a   上飾青花茅山道士圖,定年弘治,見故宮博物院藏珍品全集《青花釉裏
         carrying pole, divided by an architectural complex partially behind   紅(中)》,香港, 2000,圖版 43。(圖一)該件筒爐亦載於耿寶昌著《明
         rocks and grassy mounds, all below a moulded band and a keyfret   清瓷器鑒定》,北京,1993,頁 106,圖 195,書中提到:「此類造型
         band, and raised on three cabriole legs painted with floral motifs.   的爐為成化前後所多見。器均胎薄體輕,釉面青白肥潤,紋飾纖細柔和、
         The underside of the base is unglazed except for the outermost   清晰疏朗,青花色調艷麗並有暈散,器壁常繪山水人物圖景。」第二件
         ring.                                             源自繭山龍泉堂,著錄於《龍泉集芳》,第一集,東京,1976 年,頁
         7 in. (17.8 cm.) diam., lacquer cover, Japanese wood box   252,圖版 760;後於 2019 年 5 月 29 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 2926 號。
         HK$500,000-700,000              US$65,000-91,000

         Collection of Mii Temple, Otsu, Japan, according to the label on
         the Japanese wood box
         Two blue and white censers of similar form, design and size are known.
         The first one, depicting Daoist figures and dating to the Hongzhi period,
         is in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection
         of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Blue and White Porcelain with
         Underglazed Red (II), Hong Kong, 2000, no. 43. (fig. 1) The same censer
         is also illustrated by Geng Baochang under the section of Hongzhi
         porcelain in Mingqing ciqi jianding, Beijing, 1993, p. 106, fig. 195, where
         he comments on the popularity of this type of censers in the latter half
         of the 15th century. The second one, decorated with an elderly man on a
         donkey with other figures, was illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years,
         vol. I, Tokyo, 1976, p. 252, no. 760, and later sold at Christie’s Hong
         Kong, 29 May 2019, lot 2926. It is interesting to note that all three
         censers, including the current example, have very similar mouth rims
         decorated with keyfrets, and cabriole feet painted with floral motifs. The
         considerably free and fluid painting style seen on these three examples
         is also strikingly similar.

                                                                   fig. 1  A blue and white censer. Hongzhi period.
                                                                     Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                圖一  明弘治   青花人物圖筒式三足爐   北京故宮博物院藏品

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