Page 6 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 6
fig. 1 Portrait of Mayuyama Matsutaro with a Longquan censer
圖一 繭山松太郎與龍泉三足爐
Legacy’, Collecting Chinese Art: Interpretation and Display, Colloquies on Art & Archaeology 瓷。除了鎌倉瓷片,日本各地多處古蹟均有出
in Asia, No. 20, S. Pierson ed., London, 2000, p.10.) These objects were called karamono 土龍泉釉青瓷、青白瓷和黑釉茶盞。以福井縣
( 唐物 Tang [Chinese] things). Excavated evidence for their popularity can be found 的一乘谷遺跡、廣島的草戶千軒、京都多處古
in profusion in the large quantities of Song and Yuan dynasty celadon-glazed ceramic 蹟和港口城市博多為例,出土的宋元瓷器殘片
sherds that littered the coastline by Kamakura city. In addition to the Kamakura sherds, 俱數量可觀。迄今,不少日本名剎仍保留了創
Longquan celadons, qingbai white porcelains, and black-glazed tea bowls have been 寺以來珍若拱璧的中國宋瓷。
excavated from a wide range of historical sites throughout Japan. Significant numbers
of Song and Yuan dynasty sherds have been excavated at the Ichijo-dani 一乘乗谷 site in 時至元代,中國陶瓷在日本需求更殷。觀乎當
Fukui prefecture, the Kusado sengen 草戸千軒 site in Hiroshima, several sites in Kyoto, 地大量的傳世珍品,不難想像日本進口的中國
and the port city of Hakata. Some of the major Japanese temples also still have in their 青釉及其他瓷器的數目與質量之高。顯而易見,
possession Song dynasty Chinese ceramics preserved since the time of their manufacture. 唐物在元代仍炙手可熱。金澤貞顯(1333 年卒)
The Japanese fascination with Chinese ceramics grew even stronger in the Yuan period. 「中國船隻業已抵岸,且已卸載大批唐物。」
The numbers and high quality of celadons and other Chinese ceramics imported into 他更在家書中吩咐兒子:「看來唐物在京都十
Japan can be seen from the wealth of material which is still preserved there today. It 分流行,回關東時務必捎帶一二。」(詳見西
is clear that karamono were still greatly in vogue in the Yuan period. A letter survives 田宏子前述著作。)正因他對中國器物汲汲以
written by Kanazawa Sada-aki 金 沢貞 顕 , who died in 1333 and was a relative of the 求,所以其墓葬文物中出現一例龍泉青釉蓋罐
Hōjō clan 北条氏 , who were the military rulers of the Kanto region. It includes a (用作骨灰罐),誠可謂意料中事,而金澤墓
passage reading: ‘The Chinese boats have arrived, a large amount of karamono cargo 所在的稱名寺,迄今尚珍藏兩件中國青釉大瓶
was unloaded.’ While in another letter written to his son, Sada-aki noted: ‘It seems 及一個青釉貼花大爐。
that karamono are the fashion in Kyoto, I definitely want you to plan on bringing
some karamono when you return to Kanto.’ (see Hiroko Nishida, op. cit.) In view of his 像円覺寺、建長寺等鎌倉名寺,目前仍在使用鎌
enthusiasm for Chinese wares, it is not surprising that a Longquan lidded celadon jar 倉(公元 1185 至 1333 年)、室町(公元 1333
was found in Kanazawa Sada-aki’s grave, used as an ossuary, and that the Shomyo-ji 称名 至 1573 年)時代流傳至今的青瓷瓶。著名的仏
寺 (the temple in which Sada-aki’s grave is situated) still has two large Chinese celadon 日庵院藏清單編修於 1363 年,它臚列了北條時
vases and a large incense burner with applied relief decoration. 宗(公元 1251 至 1284 年)贈予円覺寺分院約百
Major temples, such as the Engaku-ji 円 覚 寺 and Kencho-ji 建長寺 at Kamakura still 釉香爐和茶盞,以及黑釉器和青白瓷。工料俱
use celadon vases preserved in the temples since the Kamakura (AD 1185-1333) and 佳的宋元砧青釉龍泉瓷,歷來被日本藏家尊為
Muromachi (AD 1333-1573) periods. Not only Chinese celadon flower vases but 上品。二十世紀初日本古董界巨擘繭山松太郎
also Chinese celadon incense burners and tea bowls, as well as black-glazed wares and (1882 至 1935 年)有一幀早期正式肖像,相中
qingbai porcelains are listed among the approximately 100 Chinese objects in the famous 的他凝眸細看的正是一件龍泉青釉爐(圖一)。
inventory of Butsunichi-an 仏日庵 , which is dated AD 1363 and is an inventory of items
donated to a sub-temple of the Engaku-ji by Hōjō Tokimune 北条 時宗 (AD 1251- 青釉筒式花插在日本地位顯赫,境內有二例珍
1284). The finest Southern Song and Yuan dynasty kinuta-glazed Longquan celadons 藏見於著錄,兩者均源遠流長、記述甚詳,且
have continued to be amongst the most esteemed Chinese ceramics in Japan. It is no 經手者赫赫有名。其中一例現為東京三井記念