Page 7 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 7

fig. 2  A Longquan cylindrical vase. 16.8 cm.   fig. 3  A Longquan cylindrical vase.    fig. 4  A Guan cylindrical vase. 14.7 cm. high.
               high. Collection of the Mitsui Memorial Museum  18.3 cm. high. Collection of the Nezu Museum.   Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                    圖二  龍泉窯筒式花插   高 16.8 公分            Important Cultural Property     圖四  官窯筒式花插   高 14.7 公分
                         三井記念美術館藏品                   圖三  龍泉窯筒式花插   高 18.3 公分               國立故宮博物院藏品
                                                       根津美術館藏品   重要文化財

               coincidence that the famous early 20  century Japanese art dealer Mayuyama Matsutaro   美術館珍藏,早於日本戰國時代(約公元 1467
               ( 繭山松太郎 1882-1935) chose a Longquan celadon censer to provide the focus of his   至1615年),其主人是著名茶人武野紹鷗(1502
               attention in an early formal portrait (fig. 1).                 至1555年),茶道宗師千利休(1522至1591年)
                                                                               正是出於武野門下,山上宗二(1544 至 90 年)
               Cylindrical celadon flower vases have been especially revered in Japan, and the two   所著的茶道史《山上宗二記》對此亦有記載。
               published examples still preserved in Japanese collections today both have long,   其後,此瓶納入豐臣秀吉(1536/7 至 1598 年)
               well documented, and illustrious provenances.  One of these vases, now in the   珍藏,豐臣秀吉乃封建大名,官至太政大臣,
               Mitsui Memorial Museum, Tokyo, was owned in the Sengoku period ( 戦 国時代 c.   十六世紀以軍事力量一統江山。江戶時代(1603
               1467 – c. 1615) by the famous tea master Takeno Jōō ( 武野  紹 鴎 1502–1555), who   至 1868 年),此瓶流入三井家族。東京根津美
               was chanoyu ( 茶の湯 tea ceremony) teacher to the most famous of all tea masters, Sen   術館於 2010 年舉行重量級的「南宋の青磁」展
               no Rikyū ( 千利休 , 1522–1591).  This provenance is recorded by Yamanoue Sōji ( 山上宗  覽中,也有此瓶的身影(展品 6,圖二)。
               二 1544-90) in his tea ceremony chronicles (Yamanoue Sōji ki ( 山上宗二記 ). Thereafter,
               the vase was owned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ( 豐臣  秀吉 / 豊臣  秀吉 1536/7–1598), a   另一例已發表的日本花插來自根津美術館藏,
               feudal lord, and chief imperial minister, who completed the military unification of Japan   在上述展覽中亦有亮相(展品 7,圖三)。此
               in the 16  century.  In the Edo period ( 江戸時代 1603-1868) the vase passed into the   物又名「大內筒」,屬於「重要文化財」,名
               hands of the Mitsui family 三井家 .  This vase was included in the important exhibition   列「東山御物」之一。所謂的「東山御物」,
               of Southern Song celadon wares ( 南宋の青磁 ), at the Nezu Museum, Tokyo, in 2010, as   是指足利義政(公元 1436 至 1490 年)珍藏書
               exhibit no. 6 (fig. 2).                                         畫、茶器、花器、文房清玩等物之名冊。足利

               The other published example from a Japanese collection was included in the same   義政貴為足利幕府第八代大將軍,於室町時代
               exhibition, as exhibit no. 7, and is in the Nezu Museum’s own collection (fig. 3).  This   1449 至 1473 年間執政。編修名冊的是「同朋
               vase, which has been designated an ‘Important Cultural Property’ 重要文化財 , is known   眾」(即為幕府效力的藝術家)能阿彌(1397
               as Ōuchi-zutsu 大內筒 and is esteemed as a Higashiyama gyomotsu 東山御物 work of art.    至 1471 年),管理和評鑑幕府珍藏唐物(即中
               Higashiyama gyomotsu was a record of the paintings, chaki (tea utensils), kaki (flower vases),   國藝術品)是其日常職務之一。其後,此瓶輾
               stationery and other items in the collection of Yoshimasa Ashikaga ( 足利  義政 1436-  轉流入日本著名商人、政治家、慈善家和藏家
               1490).  Yoshimasa Ashikaga was the 8th shōgun of the Ashikaga shōgunate, who ruled   根津嘉一郎(1860 至 1940 年)手中,而根津
               from 1449 to 1473 during the Japanese Muromachi period.  The record was compiled   美術館的核心館藏便是來自其私人珍藏。
               by Nōami ( 能阿弥 1397–1471), the dōbōshū ( 同朋衆 artist in the service of the shōgun),
               one of whose responsibilities was the care and appraisal of the karamono (Chinese   本拍品源自日本一所寺廟珍藏,直至明治維新
               works of art) in the shōgun’s collection.  This vase was later acquired by the well-known   時期(1860 至 1880 年),由野田忠右衛門先
                                                                               生購藏。1868 至 1874 年間,日本發生廢佛毀
               Japanese businessman, politician, philanthropist and collector Kaichiro Nezu ( 根津 嘉一
               郎 1860-1940), whose private collection formed the basis of the Nezu Museum.  釋運動,不少佛寺和神道廟宇皆因政治暗湧而
               The current vase was preserved in a temple in Japan until the time of the Meiji   該寺廟,從中購買此龍泉花插。花插後來傳至
               Restoration ( 明治維新 1860-1880), when Mr Noda Chuemon acquired it.  Mr. Noda   名田先生之兒子野田好右衛門,並於 1930 年代
               Chuemon, who was born in the latter part of the Edo period 江戸時代 1603-1868), was   將其贈予女兒野田ミサヨ作為嫁妝。如今,這
               attempting to support the temple during the period of haibutsu kishaku 廃仏毀釈 (1868-  件傳家之寶終落入本藏家手中,亦即野田忠右

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