Page 10 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 10


         A FINE AND VERY RARE LONGQUAN                     南宋   龍泉窯青釉筒式花插
         CELADON CYLINDRICAL VASE                          瓶直口,長筒形,口以下漸內收,矮圈足。內外罩肥厚粉青
         SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                 釉,釉色瑩潤清澈,凝重含蓄,開大片冰裂紋,足邊無釉,
         The vase is thinly potted in an elegant, tapering cylindrical form,   呈堅細灰白胎土。
         covered inside and out with a widely crackled, luminous glaze of
         soft blue-green tone with the exception of the foot ring revealing   來源
         the fine biscuit body.                            日本寺廟舊藏
         7 in. (17.8 cm.) high, box                        明治維新期間(約1860至1880年),由野田忠右衛門先生從
         HK$4,000,000-6,000,000        US$520,000-775,000  該寺購入
         PROVENANCE                                        女兒野田ミサヨ作為嫁妝
         An unnamed Japanese temple collection
         Acquired from the temple by Mr. Noda Chuemon circa 1860-  此後一直於家族中流傳至野田忠右衛門先生之玄孫
         1880 during the Meiji Restoration                 本花插源自日本一間寺廟舊藏,明治維新時期(1860 至 1880 年)由野
         Passed down to Mr. Noda Chuemon’s son Noda Yoshiemon, who   田忠右衛門先生從該寺購藏。1868 至 1874 年間,日本發生廢佛毀釋運
         gifted the vase to his daughter, Noda Misayo, as a wedding present   動,不少佛寺和神道廟宇皆因政治暗湧而陷入困境。野田忠右衛門先生
         circa 1930s                                       為支援和接濟該寺廟,購入其珍藏之龍泉花插。花插後來傳至野田先生
         Thence by descent to the current owner, Mr Noda Chuemon’s   之子野田好右衛門,後者再於 1930 年代將其贈予女兒野田ミサヨ作為
         great-great grandson                              嫁妝,並於家族流傳至今。現任藏家為野田忠右衛門先生之玄孫。
         The current vase was preserved in a temple in Japan until circa 1860-
         1880 during the Meiji Restoration, when Mr Noda Chuemon acquired it.
         Mr. Noda Chuemon, who was born in the latter part of the Edo period
         (1603-1868), was attempting to support the temple during the period
         of haibutsu kishaku (1868-1874), when there was a movement against
         Buddhism and towards establishing Shinto as the state religion. The
         vase later passed into the possession of Noda Chuemon’s son, Mr. Noda
         Yoshiemon, who, in turn, gave the vase to his daughter, Noda Misayo,
         on the occasion of her marriage in the 1930s. The vase was eventually
         passed down to the current owner, who is Mr. Noda Chuemon’s great-
         great grandson.

                               base                                      Ms. Noda Misayo, circa 1930
                               底部                                      野田ミサヨ女士,攝於 1930 年代左右

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