Page 130 - Sotheby's Chinese Art and Porcelain Auction New York September 12, 2018
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           AN ARCHAIC BRONZE BELL (BO)      Imposing in form and design, this bell   Collection,  Berkeley, 1966, pl. XLVI B. Further
                                            reß ects the sophistication of bronze musical   bells of this type include one in the Metropolitan
                                            instruments which had been produced in   Museum of Art, New York, acc. no. 1988.20.7;
           of pointed oval section, each side cast with   China since the thirteenth century BC. It is   one in the British Museum, London, published
           four principal registers, the broad lowest   cast using techniques typical of the state of Jin   in Jessica Rawson, Art and Ritual, London, 1987,
           register cast in low relief with a taotie mask   (present-day Shanxi province), which became   pl. 35; and another in the Compton Verney Art
           ß anked by dragons, the creatures’ bodies richly   the center of bronze casting in north China and   Gallery, Warwickshire, coll. no. CVCSC 0405.A.
           patterned in leiwen spirals, the upper three   was renowned for exquisite bells such as the   A set of fourteen bells of related design,
           registers divided by a central vertical panel and   present.       excavated at Jinshengcun, Taiyuan, Shanxi
           each bearing six large hemispherical bosses                        province, is illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi
                                            Bells of this type were decorated by using
           cast in the form of coiled animals, horizontal                     quanji [The complete collection of Chinese
                                            carved clay pattern blocks, which were
           bands of interlaced dragons between each                           archaic bronzes], vol. 8, Beijing, 1995, pls 113
                                            impressed onto strips of clay to become molds
           register, the ß at top supporting an elaborate                     and 114.
                                            for the bronze. Thus, one master pattern block
           openwork suspension loop in the form of a
                                            could be used for several di# erent bells, and   According to Jessica Rawson in Mysteries of
           pair of confronting feline mythical beasts,
                                            would have contributed to the impressive rows   Ancient China. New Discoveries from Ancient
           their sinuous bodies moving in an undulating
                                            of identically decorated bells. As the bell would   China, London, 1996, p. 134, ‘their elliptical
           rhythm from their curling tails to their arched
                                            have been suspended from a loop, it is known   cross section is crucial to the musical quality
           torsos and long necks turned back to grasp
                                            as a bo or niu zhong. In large sets of bells, such   and determines the two notes that can be
           their backs with their jaws, two snakes twisting
                                            as that from the tomb of the Marquis Yi of   achieved: one by striking the bell on the outside
           around the felines’ necks and extending their
                                            Zheng (d. ca. 433 BC), bo were included with   at the central point of the lip, and the other by
           tails upward to form twin loops, leiwen swirling
                                            sets of another type of bell, yong zhong.  striking the corner’.
           across the bodies of the felines and snakes,
           the surface with a gray-green patina and   Bells with very similar decoration and probably   $ 100,000-150,000
           scattered malachite, azurite, and brownish-red   from the same set, of various sizes, include
           encrustations                    one exhibited in the Marco Polo Seventh   㜙␐ġġġ曺戭垈嘢䲳捃
           Height 11½ in., 29.3 cm          Centenary Exhibition, Chinese Art, Venice,
                                            1954, cat. no. 75 (16.5 inches high); one from   Ը๕
           PROVENANCE                       the Pillsbury Collection, illustrated in George W.   ⬱㜙ɀ梃⇑㴎⌂⢓炷1874Į1951炸㓞啷
           Collection of Dr. A. F. Philips (1874-1951).  Weber, The Ornaments of Late Chou Bronzes,   ΐ㔎喯⭴㭼1978⸜3㚰30㖍炻䶐嘇23
           Sotheby’s London, 30th March 1978, lot 23.  New Brunswick, 1973, pl. 61 (12.5 inches);   劙⚳揝嶗梲侩➢慹㚫㓞啷
           Collection of the British Rail Pension Fund.  another included in the Exhibition of Chinese   ΐ㔎喯⭴㭼1989⸜12㚰12㖍炻䶐嘇12
           Sotheby’s London, 12th December 1989, lot 12.  Ritual Bronzes, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit,
                                            1940, cat. no. 45 (11.75 inches); and a fourth,   ࢝ᚎ
           EXHIBITED                        publisheded in Rene-Yvon Lefebvre-d’Argence,   俾⬱㜙⯤⤏喅埻⌂䈑棐炻1986军1988⸜
           San Antonio Museum of Art, 1986-1988.  Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Avery Brundage

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