Page 39 - 2019 September 13th Christie's New York Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 39
The Collection of
Stephen Junkunc, III
tephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978) ranks amongst the most renowned collectors of Chinese ceramics
and works of art, and known for collecting a wide breadth of works of the highest standards of
Squality. At its height, his collection comprised over two-thousand examples of porcelain, jade,
bronzes, Buddhist sculpture and paintings, and included two examples of Ru ware, one of which sold
at Christie’s in 1992 and achieved a world record price. (Fig. 1) Christie’s has also been honored to
have handled one of the outstanding paintings, a 13th-14th century landscape, Travelers in Autumn
Mountains, in the style of the 11th century painter Guo Xi. (Fig. 2) Junkunc kept the collection secure
in a World War II bomb shelter in his home, and entering the rooms has been compared to the legend
of Aladdin entering the cave—the visitor was immediately awed by the porcelain, jades, sculptures and
other treasures on display.
His father, Stephen Junkunc, II was a tool-and-die maker who founded General Machinery &
Manufacturing Company in 1918 on South Aberdeen Street in Chicago, who specialized in the
manufacture of knife-edge fuel nozzle heads. The company moved to North Keeler Street in 1933, where
it still exists today. With the outbreak of World War II, GMMCO endeavored to help in the war efort by
manufacturing various aircraft parts, specializing in aircraft engine seals. Their devotion to quality and
service led to commissions to manufacture critical parts for cutting-edge jet engines. After nearly one-
hundred years, GMMCO still remains a family business.
蔣康三世(卒於1978年)是中國瓷器及工藝 他的父親蔣康二世出生于匈牙利,起初是一
品收藏界最負盛名的藏家之一,以其收藏寬 名模具工人,後來移民至芝加哥並在1918年
度之廣和品質之精著稱。在其巔峰時期,蔣 創立了通用機械與製造公司。公司起初設立
康收藏囊括兩千餘件瓷器、玉器、青銅器、 於芝加哥南阿伯丁街,後來於1933年遷至北
佛教造像及書畫藏品。其中更有汝瓷兩事, 基勒街至今。隨著第二次世界大戰的爆發,
其一於1992年在佳士得拍賣,創造了中國瓷 通用機械與製造公司將車間改造以供應戰時
器拍賣的世界紀錄。(圖一)佳士得亦有幸 需求,並且開始製造多種航空零件,特別是
經手了蔣氏收藏中的一副書畫巨作-郭熙風 引擎密封件。公司對於質量和服務精益求精
格秋山行旅圖。(圖二)這些藏品曾被安全 的態度使得他們獲得了生産最先進噴氣引擎
的保存在他宅邸一所二戰時期建立的防空洞 零件的許可。在發展近100年后,該公司仍由
中。進入其中,仿佛是阿拉丁步入藏寳洞一 家族執掌。
(opposite) 般:訪客會不由自主的為這些精美的瓷器,
Stephen Junkunc, III, circa 1940. 玉器,佛教雕塑,及其它數量衆多的藝術珍
蔣康三世,約1940年。 品所震撼。