Page 42 - 2019 September 13th Christie's New York Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 42

Junkunc’s collection to be featured in the publication. Junkunc, along with English collector
                          Desmond Gure (1905-1970), contributed to the research of this volume. Salmony passed away
                          before the publication could be completed, but letters between Desmond Gure and Junkunc   (above)
                          reveal that Salmony entrusted Gure and Junkunc to complete his publication. The frst part   Fig. 3 An important and very
                          of the volume was published posthumously and was entitled Chinese Jade Through the Wei   rare large early carved greyish-
                                                                                            green jade beaker with gold and
                          Dynasty, and included the rare jade dragon head in the present sale. Other important works
                                                                                            silver-decorated bronze mount,
                          from the Junkunc collection included in Salmony’s publication included an important Western   Western Han dynasty, early -
                          Han dynasty jade beaker, which sold at Christie’s New York in September 2006. (Fig. 3) Other   mid 2nd century BC. Christie’s
                          masterpieces of Chinese jade in the Junkunc collection included an imperial set of ten white   New York, 19 September 2006,
                                                                                            lot 175.
                          jades and a rare white jade fgure of Buddha, which sold at Christie’s in March 2007 and March
                                                                                            圖三  西漢   公元前二世紀早中期
                          2010, respectively. (Figs. 4 and 5)
                          A true connoisseur-collector of Chinese ceramics and works of art, Stephen Junkunc, III   (opposite above)
                          described his passion as one which: “becomes a disease. But it’s the one thing in the world that   Fig. 4 A very rare and important
                          never pales or becomes static. It always holds the challenge of more to learn.”  Imperial set of ten inscribed
                                                                                            white jades, Song dynasty and
                                                                                            later. Christie’s New York, 22
                                                                                            March 2007, lot 132.
                                                                                            圖四  宋及以後   御製白玉飾一
                          先生和英國藏家Desmond Gure(1905-1970   Through the Wei Dynasty》,其中收錄了本   組十件
                          年)參與該書的研究。薩爾莫尼在該書出              場拍賣中的蔣康玉龍首。蔣氏收藏中其它
                          版前不幸逝世,他和Desmond Gure及蔣康        收錄於該書的重要藏品包括一件西漢青玉                Fig. 5 A rare large white jade
                          的通信顯示薩爾莫尼將該書的出版寄託               銅錯銀扣高足杯,2006年9月於紐約佳士              fgure of Buddha, 18th-19th
                          給了Desmond Gure和蔣康兩位藏家。該書        得拍賣。(圖三)佳士得亦有幸經手其它                century. Christie’s New York,
                                                                                            26 March 2010, lot 1104.
                          的第一部分隨後付梓,題為《Chinese Jade       兩件蔣氏收藏的玉器精品,其一為宋及以
                                                                                            圖五   十八/十九世紀   白玉佛坐像
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