Page 44 - 2019 September 13th Christie's New York Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 44
The legacy of Stephen Junkunc, III has been preserved through his generous donations to
institutions throughout the United States. He frequently loaned works to The Art Institute of
Chicago, and bequests from his collection can also be found in the Milwaukee Public Museum
in Wisconsin and in the Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami, Florida. His interest in
Chinese art was continued by his son, Stephen Junkunc, IV, who has judiciously overseen that
the next generation of connoisseurs and enthusiasts would have the opportunity to enjoy many
Stephen Junkunc, III
items of his celebrated collection.
(opposite above)
The Junkunc Jade Dragon Head
後御製白玉飾一組十件,2007年3月於紐 給全美各大博物館的珍品仍在續寫著他生 as illustrated by Alfred Salmony
in Chinese Jade Through the Wei
約佳士得拍賣,另一件為十八/十九世紀 前的傳奇。他生前常將藏品借展於芝加哥 Dynasty, New York, 1963, pl.
白玉佛坐像,2010年3月於紐約佳士得拍 藝術博物館,在威斯康星的密爾沃基公共 XXXI-2.
賣。(圖四及五) 博物館和佛羅里達的邁阿密大學Lowe藝術 本件玉龍首在薩爾莫尼著,
《Chinese Jade Through the Wei
博物館中亦可覓得他捐贈品的蹤影。他對 Dynasty》,紐約,1963年,圖版
作爲名副其實的中國瓷器及工藝品鑑藏大 於中國藝術的興趣也由他的愛子,蔣康四 XXXI-2中的著錄。
家,蔣康三世這樣形容他對於收藏的熱 世繼承下來。蔣康四世恪盡保管之職,並
情:“收藏使我不能自拔。但是它卻是世 審慎的為新一代收藏鑑賞家傳承其家族藏 (opposite below)
界上少有的從不暗淡退色或是停滯不前的 品提供機會。 Alfred Salmony, 1937. © 2019
Imogen Cunningham Trust
事業。我從中學之不盡。”蔣康三世捐贈 薩爾莫尼,1937年