Page 47 - 2019 September 13th Christie's New York Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 47
Fit ting Carriage or Emp erors
The Junkunc Jade
Dragon Head
Jenny F. So
A large block of nephrite jade is shaped into the head of a menacing dragon with sharp teeth and curved fangs, accentuated by remnants of
a red pigment. Above is a pointed upturned muzzle that pushes back against large round nostrils, thickly furrowed brows over the eyes, and
backswept mane that ends in tight curls. All descriptive features are defned by bold incisions, executed with a confdence and directness
to match the power of the dragon. A pair of ridged horns (one missing) lay back against the top of the head. A slanted rectangular
trough, shallow in front and deeper at the back is hollowed out from under the block. The material is evenly pale grey-green with virtually
no impurities or discolorations, remarkable for a block of jade this size. The polished surface emits a warm, smooth, and understated
Alfred Salmony regarded the Junkunc jade dragon head as “Han dynasty” while working on his manuscript before his death in 1958
(published posthumously in 1963 as Chinese Jade Through the Wei Dynasty). He could not have anticipated the discovery in 1980 of a
close mate to the Junkunc dragon-head in material, size (L18 x W7.5 x H10.2 cm), and sculptural strength from the site of the former Tang-
dynasty imperial pleasure park at Qujiang. (Fig. 1) The Qujiang resort was started by emperors of the Qin-Han dynasties around natural
waterways on the south-eastern corner of the ancient capital Chang’an (modern-day Xi’an). The Tang Emperor Xuanzong (r. 712–756)
greatly expanded its compound and facilities, turning it into one of the court’s favorite leisure escapes. (Fig. 2) It fell into disuse with the
diminished power of the Tang court after the Anlushan Rebellion in 755.
The 755 uprising was a devastating blow to Tang power not just politically but also economically. As a result, Tang control of the western
regions was greatly reduced, afecting the supply of high quality jade from Xinjiang in Central Asia, making large jade carvings like the
Junkunc dragon head virtually impossible. The scarce supply is illustrated by an unworked block of jade, that was included among the
hoard buried before the late 8th century at Hejiacun, Xi’an. (Fig. 3) Comparable in size and color to the Junkunc jade dragon head (L11 x
W9.5 x H7.2 cm), but of lower quality with more impurities, the jade block was included among a veritable treasure trove of over 250 gold
and silver artifacts and ten sets of jade belt plaques, two pairs of jade bracelets set in gold and precious stones, and jade, rock crystal, and
agate drinking vessels.
The discovery of the dragon head at the Qujiang site suggests that the Junkunc dragon head could have come from a similar context during
the height of Tang Xuanzong’s reign in the 8th century. That large sculptural jades were closely associated with imperial Tang structures is
further illustrated by an eagle head displaying similar raw sculptural power, but in a poor quality dark green jade (Fig. 4), recovered in 1979
from the ruins of Daming Palace, built by the Tang Emperor Taizong (627–649) in 634 in the north-eastern sector of ancient Chang’an. (see
Fig. 2) Daming Palace became the preferred seat of government of subsequent emperors but was destroyed in 896 during the unrest at
the end of the dynasty. As the only other jade sculpture of comparable size excavated from a Tang palace site, it reinforces a likely Tang date
and imperial connection for the Junkunc jade dragon head.
此龍首以大塊軟玉琢成,觀之利齒獠牙、沛然生威,用於點染 (公元712至756年) 大興土木,引水擴建,將之營造為備受青睞
的紅色顏料猶斑斑可見。上半部長吻尖翹,賁張的鼻孔緊貼其 的皇家御苑之一 (圖2)。公元755年安史之亂後,唐代國祚漸
後,瞠目之上眉梢緊蹙,長鬃後揚並結成渦卷。龍首的細部刀 衰,曲江池隨之荒敗蕭疏。
工灑脫奔放,與龍的威猛雄狀相互呼應。頭頂雙角 (一角已失)
紀晚期西安何家村窖藏文物中的一块未加工璞玉 。 (圖3)
唐風古韻 這塊玉材的大小 (長11 X 寬9.5 X 高7.2厘米) 和色澤與蔣氏玉
薩爾莫尼 (ALFRED SALMONY) 在1958年辭世前研究蔣氏 龍首類似,但雜質較多、質量較低。何家村窖藏百寶紛呈,其
玉龍首時,斷其為漢玉(遺稿年發表於1963《CHINESE JADE 中金銀器逾250件,玉帶板十套,鑲金及寶石玉鐲兩對,另有
THROUGH THE WEI DYNASTY》。所以他根本無從得知其後 玉、水晶和瑪瑙酒器。一块璞玉能在其中佔一重要地位,足以
1980年唐代御苑遺址曲江池底發現的一件青灰玉龍首,其大 代表當時大块玉材之珍貴。曲江池玉龍首的出現,意味着蔣氏
小 (長18 X 寬7.5 X 高10.2厘米 )、 材質、和雕工俱與蔣氏珍藏 珍藏玉龍首的背景可能與之相若,即兩者均出自公元八世紀
不分軒輊 。 (圖1) 曲江池 始建於秦漢,沿天然池沼修築而 玄宗的開元盛世。
成,位於古代都城長安 (今西安) 東南隅。唐玄宗在位期間