Page 60 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 60

崇聖御寶  - 詹姆斯及瑪麗蓮 ·阿爾斯多夫珍藏


            A LARGE BRONZE FIGURE OF UMA                                       印度南部   泰米爾納德邦   朱羅王朝  1300年前後
            SOUTH INDIA, TAMIL NADU, CIRCA 1300                                銅雪山神女立像
            Standing with hips swayed in a gentle tribhanga pose on a waisted double-lotus base    神像立姿,呈三屈式,右手施拈花印,左手低垂,腳踏仰覆
            above a square plinth, with the right hand held in katakamudra and the left hanging   蓮台,下接方座。上身裸裎,下著托蒂,項飾環疊,瓔珞
            pendent, clad in a diaphanous dhoti secured at the waist with various belts and beaded   遍身,臂腕佩鐲,腰掛三紋。面長頰滿,弓眉杏眼,嘴角上
            sashes and adorned with three simple necklaces, beaded armlets, and a sacred thread,   揚,祥和自在。雙耳垂璫,頭戴寶冠,高聳如塔,華飾琳琅。
            which falls across the trivali tarangini, the three lines across the stomach, the elongated face
            with benevolent smile and small, almond-shaped eyes flanked by elaborate earrings and
                                                                               Kapoor Galleries,紐約,1989年10月31日。
            surmounted by the karandamukuta, the tiered crown
            32º in. (81.9 cm.) high
            $500,000-700,000                                                   芝加哥藝術博物館,《A Collecting Odyssey—Indian,
                                                                               Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art from the James and
            PROVENANCE:                                                        Marilynn Alsdorf Collection》,1997年8月2日—10月26日,
            Kapoor Galleries, New York, 31 October 1989.
            The James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago.
                                                                               P. Pal,《A Collecting Odyssey》,芝加哥,1997年,頁188
            The Art Institute of Chicago, “A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast
            Asian Art from the James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection,” 2 August-26 October 1997,
            cat. no. 242.
            P. Pal, A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art from the James and
            Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago, 1997, pp. 188 and 327, cat. no. 242.

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