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         5i  Toyotomi  Sutemaru              stroyed, and Sutemaru's  portrait was  52  Jigen Daishi
           polychromed  wood                 moved  to Rinkain, a subtemple of     polychromed  wood
           h.  56.0 (22)                     Myôshinji, a large Zen  monastery in  11.75.1(291/2)
           Momoyama period, c. 1591          Kyoto. The  portrait was probably  moved  Edo period, c. 1644
                                             there because  this was the  place  where
           Rinkain, Kyoto                    Nange Genkô, the  first  abbot  of Shôunji,  Enichiin, Shiga  Prefecture
           Important Cultural Property                                             Important  Cultural  Property
                                             lived in  retirement.
                                                Sutemaru  sits on a pedestal wearing a  The  monk Tenkai (1536-1643), or Jigen
            Toy boat                         long-sleeved kimono, tied  in back with a  Daishi, was a distinguished priest of Ten-
            polychromed  wood                sash. The  surface is richly polychromed  in  dai Buddhism who was active from  the
            1. 200  (783/4); w. 69.7 (27^2)  white,  vermilion,  and gold. Perhaps be-  Momoyama to the early Edo period. Born
            Momoyama period, c. 1591         cause Hideyoshi loved his son very deeply,  in Aizu Province (part of present-day Fu-
                                             it is strikingly idealized and  stylized, al-  kushima Prefecture), Tenkai trained at
            Gyokuhôin, Kyoto                 most doll-like.
            Important Cultural  Property         The  boat  is said to have been one of  Enryakuji, Onjôji, Kôfukuji,  and other
                                                                                Buddhist temples. He enjoyed the confi-
                                             Sutemaru's toys. It was offered by Hide-
         Toyotomi Sutemaru (Tsurumatsu,  1589-  yoshi to Myôshinji, where Sutemaru's  dence  and  favor of the  first three Toku-
         1591), the  first  son of the  hegemon Toyo-  funeral  took place. It is now in the  posses-  gawa shoguns—leyasu, Hidetada,  and
         tomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598), and Yodogimi,  sion of Gyokuhôin,  another  subtemple  of  lemitsu—and, like many Zen  monks of
         died when he was just two years old.  The  Myôshinji. Resembling a real boat, it has a  the Momoyama  period, was often their ad-
         grieving father, Hideyoshi,  built Shôunji in  small cabin at the helm and another at the  visor in secular as well as religious  matters.
         eastern Kyoto as the  child's memorial tem-  stern. A board with wheels is attached  to  In  1624, by order of the  shogun  family,  he
         ple. This portrait was enshrined  there.  the bottom  of the boat  so that  it can be  constructed  Kan'eiji, the headquarters of
         When  the  Toyotomi family  fell and  the To-  pulled. The  hull of the boat is gilded, and  Tendai Buddhism in the east, and became
         kugawa ruled the  nation, Shôunji was de-  the  rest  is polychromed.  NK  its founding abbot. Tenkai is also famous

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