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                  death. Many different types and  styles of  and formerly  of  the  Tokuzen[]i  subtemple],  family name  Soga, who served the warrior
                   Daruma portraits were painted in both  Jun  Ikkyù  respectfully  eulogizes [stamped  clan Asakura in Echizen  Province (now
                   China and Japan. The  half-length type had  with a square relief seal  Ikkyü]  Fukui Prefecture located on the Japan Sea
                   appeared already before the twelfth  cen-  The  poem  is recorded, with slightly  coast). The  Asakura, in turn, were for gen-
                   tury in China.                     different  wordings, in Ikkyü's collection of  erations vassals of the  Shiba family who, as
                      The  inscription above is by the fa-  literary works Kydun  shü (Mad Cloud  a branch family of the  Ashikaga, had
                   mous Zen  monk of Daitokuji Ikkyü  Sôjun  Coll.). The  Palace of King Xiangzhi men-  been kanrei (deputy shogun) in control of
                   (1394-1481; see also cat.  11). As Daruma  tioned in the  last line of Ikkyu's poem  is a  the Echizen  region. At the time this
                   faces to the  left, the  inscription is written  Chinese name for the  palace of the father  Bodhidharma painting was executed  Echi-
                   from  left  to right:               of Bodhidharma, thought to have been sit-  zen was ruled by Asakura Toshikage (also
                                                       uated in South  India, corresponding to  known as Takakage, 1428-1481; cat.  15), the
                   Followers in China and India conjure your  present-day Madras. Fifth-generation  de-  powerful warrior and enlightened  ruler of
                    spirit;                                                                Echizen proper who controlled  the  area as
                   Half  the  figure,  a portrait, reveals your  scendant  ofDaitd  refers to Ikkyu's position  shugodai (deputy constable). The Asakura
                                                       in the
                                                            transmission line of teaching;
                    entire  body;                                                          family came under the influence of and
                   What  did the grass mat  at Shaolin [temple]  from  Daitd (Great Lamp) Kokushi (Na-  actively patronized Ikkyü, and  Bokkei is re-
                                                       tional Master) to the monk Shüho Myóchó
                     accomplish?                       (1282-1337), the founding abbot  of the  corded as one of his disciples. At least two
                   At  the  Palace of King Xiangzhi,  spring  of  Daitokuji monastery in Kyoto. Tokuzenji  portraits of Ikkyü were painted by Bokkei
                     plums and willows.                                                    Saiyo, one dated  1452 and  the  other 1453.
                                                       is a subtemple  of Daitokuji, which  had
                      The  sixth year ofKansei  [1465], day  of  been refurbished by Ikkyu sometime  On the basis of the dates of these paint-
                   spring; [signed] Fifth  generation descendant  around  1459 when he was appointed its  ings, it is assumed that this Bokkei is "Hy-
                   ofDaitd  [Kokushi or the  National Master]  abbot.                      ôbu Bokkei" who is mentioned  in  the
                                                          The  artist Bokkei Saiyo was the earli-  collection of literary works of the  scholar-
                                                       est of the  group of artists known by the

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