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                                        creating powerful works characterized  by  213  Daishô sword  fittings
                                        the thickness of the background metal and  Ishiguro Masayoshi (b. 1774)
                                        the designs carved in high relief. The de-  shakudd,  gold
                                        sign on this iron tsuba concerns  a story  diam. left  tsuba, 7.6 (3); right tsuba, 7.4
                                        from the war between  the  Taira and Mina-  (27/8)
                                        moto clans in which Minamoto Yoshitsune  Edo period, i8th  century
                                        (1159-1189),  the brother of Yoritomo,
                                        chased  the Taira troops and advanced  to  Private  Collection
                                        Mure Takamatsu on the opposite  shore  Ishiguro Masayoshi, an  accomplished
                                        from Yashima. On  the  front is an  armored  metalworker who apprenticed  with Ishi-
                                        and mounted  high-ranking warrior, Yoshi-  guro Masatsune  of Edo, produced  ornate
                                        tsune perhaps,  depicted  in high relief with  sword fittings, often depicting flower and
                                        gold details. The  branch  of a pine tree is  bird subjects on a nanako (raised-dot) sha-
                                        engraved at the  top,  and a pool of water is  kudd  ground  in high relief, inlay, and  gold
                                        carved out in openwork at the bottom. On  applied with the  iro-e technique. This set
                                        the  reverse is a retainer holding a flag be-  of fittings is comprised  of a pair of tsuba,
                                        neath  a high-relief pine tree, its needles in-  the  kashira (pommels), and the  fuchi
                                        cised. On the front, between  the  opening  (metal collars at the blade end of the hilt)
                                        for the  kozuka (small knife) on the  left  and  for  mountings.  All are
                                                                              a pair of daishd
                                        the tang hole, is engraved the artist's  given a nanako shakudd ground  and  deco-
                                        name,  Toshinaga, and  his  had.  HY
                                                                            rated with a pine tree and gold long-tailed
                                                                            bird motif. The  tsuba are engraved,  Juga-
                                                                            kusai Ishiguro Masayoshi [kao], and  the
                                                                            fuchi,  Ishiguro Masayoshi [kao].  HY

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