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background by a stream, holding a sickle  211  Sword  guard             right of the tang hole,  Tou, one of Yasuchi-
                 and a rope of inlaid gold, with rushes at  Tsuchiya  Yasuchika  (1670-1744)  ka's artist names, is engraved in seal form
                 the left and the openwork moon  half cov-  copper  with inlaid gold     characters.                    HY
                 ered by clouds above. The  reverse is deco-  diam. 8.5(33/8)
                 rated with similar motifs, without  the  Edo period, i8th century       212  Sword guard
                 figure. The  tang hole is flanked by open-                                 Nara Toshinaga  (1667-1736)
                 ings for the  kozuka (small knife) and  kdgai  Miyazaki Kazue Collection,  iron with inlaid gold
                 (skewerlike implement); to its left  on  the  Kanagawa  Prefecture         diam. 7.4(27/8)
                 front  is inscribed the name  Tou, one of the  Important Cultural Property  Edo period, i8th  century
                 artist names Yasuchika used in his later  This  oblate copper  tsuba, an excellent ex-
                 years, when he lived in the  Kanda area of  ample of Tsuchiya  Yasuchika's (cat. 210)  Eisei Bunko, Tokyo
                 Edo.                           HY   late work, has a skillfully  carved openwork  Important Cultural  Property
                                                     design of a flock of plovers flying  Nara Toshinaga is considered  one of  the
                                                     diagonally across the  right with a drying  three  great metalworkers of the Nara
                                                     fishnet at the  left. The  design is given vari-  school, the other  two being Tsuchiya  Yasu-
                                                     ety with the touches  of inlaid gold, and  the  chika (1670-1744;  cats.  210, 211) and  Sug-
                                                     kozuka (small knife) and  kdgai (skewer)  iura Joi (1700-1761).  He was active in  the
                                                     holes are filled with plugs of gold. To the  city of Edo during the  mid-Edo period,

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