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          off the background  portions,  and subtly in-  202  Sword guard        ing for the tang, is an inscription  that
          laid with contrasting colored  metals such  Kaneie (fl. late loth-early iyth  reads, Resident  ofFushimi,  Jdshu
          as gold, silver, and  shakudd.         century)                        [Yamashiro province]; Kaneie. Despite  the
             Depicted  on the front of this elegant  iron with inlaid gold and  silver  irregular shape and rough finish of the sur-
          iron tsuba is an autumn  view of Kasuga  diam. 7.9(3 Vs)               face, this masterpiece  by Kaneie is techni-
          Shrine near Nara, with its identifying deer,  Momoyama  period, early iyth  century  cally accomplished;  it reflects  the
          a maple branch at the  left  edge, and at  the                         sophisticated simplicity of medieval ink
          upper right a pagoda and torii gate behind  Eisei Bunko, Tokyo         painting and the Buddhist faith of the war-
          rolling hills. Inlays pick out the  details,  Important Cultural Property  rior.                      HY
          such as the  copper  torii and  touches  of sil-  Also by Kaneie (cat. 201), this fist-shaped
          ver on the deer and gold on the  maple  iron tsuba is crafted so that  a kozuka (small 203  Sword  guard
          leaves. On the reverse a maple tree is  knife) can be inserted through  the single  Umetada Myoju (1558-1631)
          carved. Flanking the central  opening  hole to the left  of the tang opening.  On  brass with inlaid shakudd
          through which the tang of the  blade is  the front are the Buddhist deity Bisha-  diam. 8.0 (3 /s)
          passed are two holes for the  kozuka (small  monten  and two old cedar trees, the de-  Momoyama  period,  early iyth  century
          knife) and  kdgai (skewerlike implement),  tails picked out with subtle inlays of gold
          here filled with shakudd. On  the  front,  and silver. The  reverse side shows two old  Kawabata Terutaka Collection,
          flanking the tang hole, is an inscription  cedar trees and a pair of wild geese. On  Kanagawa  Prefecture
          that reads Resident ofFushimi,  Joshu  the front, flanking both  sides of the  open-  Umetada Myôju, one of the  most  famous
          [Yamashiro province]; Kaneie.  HY
                                                                                 swordsmiths of the Momoyama and early

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