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with an allover hexagonal  tortoise-shell  Although subdued Muromachi-period-  Tokugawa, is distributed over the  entire
                  pattern, on top of which are gold menuki  style koshigatana (cat. 180) continued  to be  length of the mounting, suggesting that it
                  with a dragon design, the whole then  made, the sword mountings of the Mo-  originally belonged  to a daishd  set;  the
                  wrapped with brown  silk cord. The  kashira  moyama period, reflecting the spirit of the  short sword was probably  lost during or af-
                  (pommels) and fuchi (metal collars) at ei-  times, were often ornate, with the hilts  ter the Meiji period. The  hilt is covered
                  ther end of the hilts are made of gold-  and sheaths covered with such materials  with white rayskin and wound with light
                  covered iron. The  smaller sword is fit with  as rayskin or thin sheets of gold. Transmit-  green  silk cord, beneath which are placed
                  a kozuka (small knife) that is decorated  ted in the Hosokawa family, daimyo of the  hilt ornaments (menuki) with the holly-
                  with a high-relief depiction  of a dragon.  Kumamoto domain (in present-day Kuma-  hock mon. The  kashira (pommel) and  fuchi
                     In the mid-Edo period many different  moto Prefecture), this is one such exam-  (collar) at either end of the hilt are deco-
                  methods were used to decorate sword  ple, traditionally said to have been  used by  rated with gold high-relief hollyhock mon
                  sheaths. Here diamond-shaped pieces of  Hosokawa Yüsai (1534-1610) and Sansai  on a nanako (raised-dot) ground of sha-
                  rayskin are placed on the sheath,  covered  (1563-1646).               kudd. Scattered  on the sheath are holly-
                  with black lacquer, and then polished, re-  The  hilt is covered with a thin  sheet  hock mon in gold maki-e and shell.  The
                  sulting in a pattern  that suggests butter-  of gold, patterned  like rayskin; the  sheath  ring for the tying cord is horn.  Both sides
                  flies.                              is covered with sheet  gold in a hexagonal  of the round sword guard hold the  holly-
                      It was also common  at this time to  (tortoise-shell) pattern, each  section  filled  hock mon in gold on a nanako (raised-dot)
                  take themes for the decoration  of the  with either a floral design or the  kuyd  mon,  ground of shakudd, as do the  kozuka (small
                  sword fittings from traditional  Chinese  the crest of the  Hosokawa family.  The  knife) and  kdgai  (skewer) attached  to  the
                  narratives. The  iron tsuba of the large  kashira (pommel) and fuchi (metal collar  sheath.            HY
                  sword refers to the  Tanxi tale from the Ro-  on the blade end of the hilt) metal fittings
                  mance of the Three Kingdoms, in which  on the hilt are decorated  with high-relief  195  Katana  mounting
                  Liu Bei of the  Shu kingdom, riding the  paulownia and kuyd  mon, both  in thin  wood, lacquer, rayskin, leather,
                  horse called Dilu, was chased  by his en-  sheets of gold (iro-e) on a raised-dot  copper,  iron, horn
                  emy Cai Mao to the waters of the Tanxi;  ground. Gold shishi, lionlike mythical  length  93.0 (36 5/s)
                  miraculously, Dilu jumped the stream and  beasts, form the hilt ornaments  (menuki),  Momoyama  period, i6th century
                  Liu Bei was saved. This tsuba is engraved  the  work of a Goto school craftsman
                  Otsuryùken  Miboku, the artist name used  (cat. 215). A kozuka (small knife)  attached  Tokyo National Museum
                  by Hamano Shôzui, active from the mid to  to the reverse of the  sheath  is decorated  Important Cultural Property
                  the late Edo period, in his late years. The  with a high-relief gold depiction of shishi
                  tsuba of the  small sword is decorated with  with peonies.         HY   This Momoyama-period mounting was
                  a depiction  of Mencius  and holds an in-                               owned by Yüki Hideyasu (1574-1607),  son
                  scription that reads Eishun, the artist  194  Katana  mounting          of Tokugawa leyasu and  daimyo of a do-
                  name used by the mid-eighteenth-century  wood, lacquer, rayskin, shell, silk, gold,  main in Echizen  Province (part of present-
                  metalworker Nara Jôi during his earlier  shakudd, horn                  day Fukui Prefecture).  The  hilt is covered
                  years.                          HY     length  97.3(381/4)              with black-lacquered rayskin and wrapped
                                                         Edo period, i8th century         with brown leather. The  kashira (pommel)
                  193  Koshigatana  mounting             Tokyo National Museum            and the fuchi  (collar on the blade end of and
                                                                                          the hilt) are made of blackened copper
                      wood, silk, shakudd, gold                                           engraved with a zigzag "mountain road"
                      length  47 (18 Vz)              The Tokugawa had this mounting made in  design. The  sheath  is completely  covered
                      Momoyama period, loth century   the late Edo period for a famous tachi  with red lacquer. On the  iron tsuba, or
                      Watanabe Yoshio Collection, Tokyo  blade that was forged by Ichimonji Suke-  sword guard, are two oxen facing counter-
                      Important Cultural Property     zane (active late thirteenth  century) and  clockwise, boldly sculpted  in the  round. HY
                                                      owned by the  Tokugawa family of Kii
                                                      Province. The hollyhock mon,  crest of the

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