P. 397


                                             322  Hannya                        323  Namanari
                                                polychromed  wood                   polychromed  wood
                                                21.0 x 17.3 (8 V 4 x 6 3/ 4)        21.4  X 14.0  (8  3/8 X 5 /z)
                                                Muromachi  period, loth century     Edo period,  i8th  century
                                                Eisei Bunko, Tokyo                  Eisei Bunko, Tokyo
                                                Important Art Object
                                                                                Although the horns are not as long or
                                             The Hannya mask expresses the violent  sharp and the  expression not as fierce as
                                             anger and distress of a woman whose love  the  Hannya mask (cat. 322), Namanari, ex-
                                             and trust have been betrayed, turning her  presses with great intensity a woman
                                             into a raging, revengeful female demon.  crazed with jealousy. As in the Hannya
                                             The  two horns protruding from disorderly  mask, her complexion is dark, her eyes and
                                             hair evince diabolic malevolence, and  the  teeth metallic. (Most frightening is a third
                                             upper lip, tense and pointed  in the center  type of female demon  mask known as Ja.)
                                             like a snake's, and the glinting of the  metal  Namanari is used in the  second  half of
                                             eyes and teeth effectively  add to her men-  Kanawa, a play about  a woman who prays
                                             ace. This mask is attributed to the monk  to become  a demon  in order to carry out
                                             Hannya, who is said to have lived in Nara  her revenge against a husband who de-
                                             during the Muromachi  period and to have  serted  her for another. On the back of this
                                             originated this type of mask.  MK  mask is the carver's name, Déme Moto-
                                                                                masa, about whom nothing is known.  MK

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