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         The  name Yasumasa includes the charac-  34  Inaba Ittetsu              nineteenth  day of the eleventh  month of
         ter yasu, which he received  from  leyasu in  hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  1588.
         appreciation  of his loyalty. He  achieved  94.0x54.6(37x211/2)            The  inscription  on this portrait was
         fame for his valor in battles, but  after ley-  Momoyama  period, probably 1589  written by Gyokuho  Shôsô (1546-1613) of
         asu's triumph at the  Battle of Sekigahara                              Daitokuji in the tenth month  of 1589; two
         in  1600 (cat.  104), he found himself  in op-  Chishôin, Kyoto         of Shôsô's seals follow his signature. Al-
         position to the  more bureaucratic  group of  Important  Cultural  Property  though  Ittetsu  is presented as a priest, ton-
         military leaders around  leyasu. Realizing                              sured and  clad in a dark outer robe, a tachi
         that the  age of battles was over, Yasumasa  Inaba Ittetsu  (1516-1588) was the  youngest  is at his side, reflecting his status as a war-
         retired.                            child of Inaba Michinori, a military leader  rior. According to the  Lineage  of the Inaba
             In this portrait Yasumasa sits on  bear  of Mino Province (part of present-day Gifu  Family, Ittetsu's son Sadamichi asked an
         fur, wearing black armor, also shown in  Prefecture). First he became a priest at Sü-  artist from  Kyoto to paint this portrait.
         this exhibition (cat. 159). He wears a long  fukuji,  built by Saito Toshiyasu, the  shugo-  The  style of the painting suggests that the
         tachi sword and  a shorter  wakizashi at his  dai (acting military governor) of Mino,  painter may have been Hasegawa Tôhaku
         left  waist and holds a saihai (commander's  with Dokushü Kansai as the founding  (1539-1610); who  also painted  a chinsd (por-
         baton) in his right hand. A banner  stands  priest. In  1525, when  the  Asai family of  trait of a Zen  priest) of Gyokuho  Shôsô.
         behind him. On  it is a circle,  symbolic of  Omi advanced on Mino, his father and  Portions of the  inscription read as
         the sun, and the character  mu (nothing-  five brothers  died in action. Ittetsu (Single  follows:
         ness). A banner  with the  same design ex-  Iron) returned  to the  lay world and as-
         ists today, but the sun and the  character  sumed the  position of head  of the  family.  He  was a brave soldier in the  martial  world,
         mu are in gold leaf on an indigo  ground.  He served as a retainer  under military  a  loyal retainer of  the  family  and  country.
         The portrait, the armor, and the  banner  chieftains of four different clans—the  In him  the mortal and the  saintly
         were all in the  Sakakibara family until  Toki, Saitô, Oda,  and Toyotomi.  Ittetsu  coexisted. His image combined  the
         recently.                       SY  died in Shimizu Castle  in Mino on  the  spiritual  and the  worldly,  the two realities
                                                                                   not interfering  with each other....

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