P. 90
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written by the priest Shinchi, the eighth Hang the portrait painting for now serve Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582). No-
abbot of Saikyóji. Saikyóji, devastated by a And recite the sutras to honor her soul bunaga later awarded Yüsai the Province
battle waged by Oda Nobunaga, was re- of Tango (the northern part of present-day
stored through Hideyoshi's contributions. Twenty-first day, eighth month of the Kyoto Prefecture). After Nobunaga's
It is probably because of this relationship twelfth year of Tenshd [1584] death during the Honnóji Incident, an un-
that his adopted daughter, Kikuhime, was Shinchi, the High Priest [kaó] AY successful coup instigated by his vassal
buried in Saikyóji and her portrait placed Akechi Mitsuhide, Yüsai took the tonsure
at that temple. Another version, presumed 26 Hosokawa Yüsai and became a priest, leaving the leader-
to be a copy of this portrait, is at Saihoji in hanging scroll; ink and color on silk ship of the family to his son Tadaoki (San-
Kanazawa. 104.0 x 51.0 (41 x 20) sai, 1563-1646). After the Battle of
The inscription, a poem in Chinese, is Momoyama period, no later than 1612 Yamazaki, in which Hideyoshi defeated
read from left to right: and killed Mitsuhide, Yüsai became a
Tenjuan, Kyoto close confidant of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Portrait ofKinkei Kùgyoku Ddjo [Golden Important Cultural Property
Cascade Heavenly Jewel Young Girl, the (1537-1598). In 1600, he sided with Toku-
posthumous Buddhist title of Kikuhime] Hosokawa Fujitaka (1534-1610), better gawa leyasu (1543-1616) at the Battle of Se-
Fall wind b/ows over grass and flowers known by his Buddhist name Yüsai, was a kigahara (cat. 104) against the Toyotomi.
Death is inevitable still retainer of the fifteenth Ashikaga shogun An astute military leader, Yüsai was also a
Yoshiaki (1537-1597), but left him in 1573 to