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         ample, dated  to 1598, the year of his death,  lies before taking service with the Toyo-  appear  whenever and  wherever
         and inscribed by the monk Nanka Genkó,  tomi. At Sekigahara he neither  aided nor  He shines all over India, China, and  Japan
         is at Kôdaiin, the  mortuary temple  of Hi-  opposed  leyasu, remaining instead in  His steadfast  eyes catch even the  smallest
         deyoshi's wife. Portraits of Hideyoshi ap-  Osaka with the Toyotomi. leyasu deprived  speck  of  dust.
         parently continued  to be painted until the  him of the rank of daimyo but  granted him
         Toyotomi family was exterminated  by ley-  a small  fief.                  Tachibana  Nagatoshi, the  ruler
         asu in  1615. However, no portrait dated  In this portrait Hideyoshi sits on a ta-  Yamanaka  of  Yamashiro Province, asked
         later than the  fourth month of 1601 is  tami  mat, wearing the court  headgear  us to write an inscription for the
         known.                              called kdburi, a white courtier's informal  honorable portrait of  Toyokuni.  We  firmly
             This portrait was painted for   robe, and bluish black sashinuki (baggy  declined  but  he was not  satisfied,  so I
         Yamanaka Nagatoshi (Chóshun;  1547-  pants tied at the  ankles). Like his  fellow  respectfully  wrote this short poem.
         1607), a daimyo and retainer  of Hideyoshi.  warlords Hôjô Sôun (cat.  14), Miyoshi Na-  Eighteenth  day of eighth month, the
         The  Zen priests Genpo Reisan and Ikyó  gayoshi (cat. 15), and Mori Motonari (cat.  third year ofKeichd  [1598].
         Eitetsu added the inscriptions, both dated  16), he  is shown with his right hand hold-  Old  Genpo, Reisan  ofNanzenji
         to the  fifth  month  of 1600. This date indi-  ing a folding fan and his left clenched in a  Genpo [tripod-shaped relief seal]
         cates that the painting was made during  fist. Behind him  is an ink landscape. Hi-
         the uneasy period shortly before the  Battle  deyoshi is portrayed here as seated  in a  The  second  inscription is by Ikyó Eitetsu:
         of Sekigahara (cat. 104), which  confirmed  shrine. On a stylistic basis, the painting
         the hegemony  of the  Tokugawa. Yamanaka  can be assigned to the Kano  school.  By nature neither a devil nor a human
         Nagatoshi was originally a retainer of Sa-  The  first  inscription, by Genpo  A reincarnation, a god under heaven
                                                                                   his thoughts,
                                                                                                  and Korea are as
         saki Yoshikata of Omi Province, but  served  Reisan, reads:
         under the Oda,  Shibata, and Tanba  fami-                                small as mustard  seeds
                                             We  lift  our eyes to Toyokuni the  Great  Deity India  and China  are dust in  his eyes.
                                             When  called upon a free  being which can
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