P. 82


                   15  Miyoshi  Nagayoshi              murai eboshi (black headgear worn by  16  Mori Motonari
                     hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  warriors), a blue robe with his family  crest,  hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk
                     107.0 x 50.0 (42 */8 x 193/4)     and an underrobe  of contrasting blocks or  97.0  x 50.0 (38 /s x 195/3)
                     Muromachi  period, no later than  1566  stripes of bright color. A koshigatana (short  Muromachi period, no later than 1562
                                                       sword) is tucked in his sash, and he holds a
                     Jukôin, Kyoto                     fan  in his right hand and clenches  his  left  Toyosakajinja,  Yamaguchi Prefecture
                     Important Cultural  Property      fist. In place of the  chilling determination  Important Cultural  Property
                   At the height  of his power Miyoshi Naga-  in the  expressions of the  two earlier war-  Mori Motonari (1497-1571), a high-ranking
                   yoshi (1523-1564) ruled eight provinces,  lords, Nagayoshi reveals a smooth urban-  military leader and daimyo in the  Age of
                   stretching from  Kyoto to Shikoku. Like  ity.                          Wars (Sengoku  Jidai),  first  served Amako
                   Asakura Toshikage and Hójó Sóun, he be-  The  inscription  above the figure, by  Haruhisa (1514-1560), and then Ouchi
                   gan as retainer of a great lord whose power  Shórei Sokin (1490-1568) of Daitokuji, is  Yoshitaka (1507-1551), both daimyo of west-
                   he seized, but  did not succeed  in founding  dated to  1566, the  third anniversary of Na-  ern Honshu. After  Yoshitaka was killed by
                   a daimyo family. He was himself over-  gayoshi's death. The  portrait was there-  his retainer Sue Harutaka (1521-1555), Mori
                   thrown by a retainer and died at the  age of  fore a commemorative one.  Two seals  Motonari defeated Harutaka at Itsu-
                   forty-one; the  process ofgekokujd  (low  follow  Sôkin's signature. The  inscription  kushima and brought Suó, Nagato,  and
                   overthrowing the high) was a double-  reads, in part, from  left  to right:  Aki Provinces under his rule. He went on
                   edged sword.                        Portrait of  the  late Jukdin      to subjugate Bingo, Iwami, Izumo, Inba,
                       Nagayoshi was a cultivated leader, es-                             and Hóki Provinces, eventually possessing
                   pecially skilled in renga (linked verse). Late  Thoroughly  trained in the Southern school  ten  provinces in San'yó (present-day Yama-
                   in his life he was ordained a priest and  of  Zen, Zen  is his topic   guchi, Hiroshima, and Okayama Prefec-
                   given the  Buddhist  name Jukóin. His com-  His day-to-day  disposition is likened to that  tures) and San'in (present-day Shimane
                   memorative tomb is at the  subtemple Ju-  of  Pang and Fei [ideal laymen  Zen  and Tottori Prefectures] as well as portions
                   kóin of Daitokuji, the  family mortuary  adherents in Tang China]      of Buzen (present-day Oita  Prefecture)
                   temple erected  by Nagayoshi's son, Yoshi-  With a single sword, he subjugated the land  and lyo (present-day Ehime  Prefecture).
                   tsugu, in 1566.                     He acquired today's  dignified  stature at a  In this portrait Motonari  sits on a ta-
                       Nagayoshi's depiction  contrasts  in ev-  steady  pace.        AY  tami  mat wearing a samurai eboshi (black
                   ery point with'those of Toshikage and                                  headgear worn by warriors) and  a warrior's
                   Sôun. Seated  on a tatami mat, he  is in sec-                          robe bearing the Mori crest. A koshigatana
                   ular and quite colorful dress, wearing a sa-                           (short sword) is tucked in the  sash. He is
                                                                                          holding a folding fan in his right hand  and

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