P. 83

clenching his left  fist. A long tachi sword is  them. He has close contacts with all peo-  Shingen had a monumental  build, as
         placed at his left. With slender face, wide-  ple and selects talents  to administer  his  can be seen  in this work, an unusual por-
         open eyes, and well-trimmed beard, Mo-  territory....                  trait with an outdoor  setting. The  painting
         tonari is depicted  without the idealization  When  he holds the  Mori  family  sword  is accompanied  by a letter written by
         evidenced  in later portrait paintings of mil-  and subjugates the enemy,  his wisdom  tem-  Shingen's  son, Katsuyori, which  says that
         itary leaders.                      pers the best of  swords, such as the  famous  it was painted in Shingen's  lifetime and
            According to the inscription above  pair forged  by the  Chinese  smiths  Ganjian  that it was to be offered  to Seikeiin. The
         the sitter, the portrait was painted during  and his wife,  Moxie [of the  3rd century  seal Nobuharu,  stamped  at the lower left,
         Motonari's lifetime at the  order of his  first  A.D.]. When  he waves a fan  and  commands  identifies the painter as Hasegawa Tô-
         son, Takamoto. The  inscription, dated  garrisons, it is as if  he consults  with  Sun  Wu  haku, who was then known as Nobuharu.
         1562, was written by Ninnyo Shügyó (d.  and Wu Qi [ancient  Chinese  military strat-  The  painting was done when Tôhaku was
         1574, the  ninety-first  abbot  of  Shôkokuji  egists of the  4th  and  3rd centuries  B.C.  in his early thirties.
         and forty-second abbot of Rokuon'in) at  respectively]....                 The  warlord and his highly  decorative
         the request of a certain Jiku'un Eshin, pre-  He  loves to praise courageous men  of  garments are delineated  in precise and col-
         sumably a monk of Nanzenji, the monas-  loyalty  and  valor. His  brave tiger face  recalls  orful  detail, following the  yamato-e tradi-
         tery that Motonari  patronized.     the ambition of Ban Chao [famous Chi-  tion considered  appropriate  for depictions
            The  long inscription lauds the ances-  nese general of  1st century A.D.]. His por-  of great men. In the  suggestion of land-
         tral lineage of the Mori family, tracing it  cupine  hair resembles the  beautiful  beard of  scape the painter reveals his interest  in the
         back to the Oe family, descendants  of the  Commander  Huan  Wen [fl. 2nd half of 4th  freer ink-painting style derived  from
         emperor Kanmu (737-806),  and mention-  century  A.D.]. The  triple  stars [the Mori  China.          MS
         ing the virtues and merits of one Oe Masa-  family crest] add brightness to his  beautiful
         fusa  (1041-1111),  a distinguished  scholar,  abode. The  family  crests of  the generations  18  The  emperor Go-Yozei
         poet, and  civil administrator, from whom  of  the  powerful  and  rich decorate his mili-  Kano Takanobu  (1571-1618)
         Motonari was directly descended.  Replete  tary tent                      hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk
         with allusions to Chinese  history and liter-  He recites and composes  Japanese  107.0  X 6o.l  (42*/8 X 235/8)
         ature, and embellished, in the best  sense  poems. As  a connoisseur of  old books, he  Momoyama period, early ryth century
         of the  word, with purple prose, this in-  enjoys  many  different  editions  of  poetry  an-
         scription accords Motonari the  stature of a  thologies to visit the ancient  steps  of  early  Sennyüji, Kyoto
         sage-warrior. The  inscription reads in part  Japanese  poetry. With  devotion,  he makes  The  emperor  Go-Yozei (1571-1617) sits on a
         (starting with the  second half of the elev-  the  reading of Indian  Buddhist scriptures  mat placed  over a large tatami. He wears
         enth line from  the right):         his daily  task, a sign of sincere faith  in  the  an eboshi (black headgear) and an informal
         Now, Morí Motonari, the  ruler ofAki,  Cour-  His allies always believe in  his  words.  courtier's robe. As the  io7th emperor, Go-
         tier Ûe, and Honorary  Ruler  ofMutsu  prov-  "Being good to neighbors is a precious vir-  Yôzei reigned from  1586 to  1611, during  the
         ince, converted early  to the  Three  Jewels  tue, a man  of virtue will never be alone" are  period when Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-
         [i.e., Buddhism]. His Buddhist  name  is Ni-  indeed  the  right words for him.  He has  1598) subjugated the  entire country and
         chirai, and his title is Ddshun. As to his  given  the family  headship to Takamoto and  Tokugawa leyasu (1543-1616) gradually es-
         power, he rules over a dozen provinces and  lives in  retirement  on Juzan. I cheer loudly  tablished political power, a time when aris-
         controls over ten thousand  troops. In  the  for  his  long  life.     tocratic society  was regaining  relative
         past, Courtier Oe Masafusa  ruled nine  prov-  Written  in  the  fall  of  the  fifth  year of  stability. Go-Yôzei not only made  efforts
         inces, two islands, and western regions un-  Eiroku  [1562], humble priest, formerly  of  to revive public events and  ceremonies,
         der Dazaifu  [regional capital in Kyushu],  Rokuon'in,  Nanzenji.      but was committed  to learning: he  studied
         where he lived for five  years. To think, Mo-  Ninnyo [square relief seal]  classical literature, including The  Tale of
         tonari's  lineage must also be  Masafusa's  [illegible tripod-shaped relief seal]  AY  Genji,  and enjoyed Japanese poetry, callig-
         posterity. Slowly but  steadily progressing for                        raphy, and painting. He was instrumental
         five  hundred years, how  right it is—the root                         in persuading the  scholar-poet  and daimyo
         is big with  thriving foliage;  the source is  17  Takeda  Shingen     Hosokawa Yüsai (1534-1610;), when Yüsai
         high and full  of  water. Indeed they are well  Hasegawa Tôhaku  (1539-1610)  faced  a siege by enemy troops  in  1600,  to
         called the  Oe [Big River] family,  and  he is  hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  pass on his knowledge of the  poetics  of the
         well called Jdshun [Perpetual Spring].  Ah,  42.0 x 63.0 (i6 /2  x 243/4)  Kokinshù to the imperial prince  Hachijô
         what  prosperity!                     Momoyama  period, late i6th century  (1579-1617), Go-Yozei's younger  brother.
             Zen  Master Jiku'un, formerly  of  Nan-                            Through Go-Yozei's  interest  in the  art of
         zenji,  because Motonari is the  monastery's  Seikeiin, Wakayama Prefecture  printing, movable wooden type was used
         patron, conveyed the  order of  Takamoto,  Important Cultural Property  to publish many Chinese  and Japanese
         Motonari  s heir, to have a portrait of  Warrior  Takeda Shingen  (1521-1573), a daimyo dur-  classics.
         Motonari  painted  during his lifetime.  Mas-  ing the  Age of the  Wars, began his career  Two seals are stamped  at the  left of
         ter Jiku'un  asked this rustic to write a word  by supplanting his father as lord of Kai  Go-Yôzei's portrait, an oblong relief seal,
         above the portrait. Although I have not  met  Province (present-day Yamanashi Prefec-  Kano, and  a tripod-shaped  relief  seal, Ta-
         Warrior Motonari, because I know  the  Zen  ture). He brought  Shinano and Suruga  kanobu,  identifying the  artist. Kano Ta-
         master I dare  not  decline. Thus  I give a  few  Provinces under his control  and  captured  kanobu was the  second  son of Kano
         words of  praise:                   portions of Kôzuke, Tôtômi, and Mikawa  Eitoku (1543-1590). Following the  death of
             His power expanding  over the sea, his  Provinces. Advancing on Kyoto, the ulti-  his elder brother,  Mitsunobu,  in 1608,  he
         fame  reaching the clouds, in full  solemnity  mate goal in his military strategy, he  died.  became  the central figure in the Kano
         he attends  the present emperor's royal  cere-  As a youth  he was a passionate  student  of  school and painted a wide variety of Bud-
         monies.  He assists his emperor to rule like  Chinese  and Japanese poetry. He was also  dhist and literary subjects. When  the im-
         Emperors  Yao and Shun [rulers of  ancient  deeply religious, with special devotion  to  perial palace was built in  1613, he  presided
         China]. He fathoms  his master's teachings  the Tendai school  of Buddhism and to Zen  over its decorations,  executing sliding door
         and penetrates the profound  thoughts  in  priests of the Myôshinji  school.  Shingen's  panels and wall paintings, some of which
                                             wife, Tenhórin Sanjó, was the  daughter of  are preserved in Ninnaji in Kyoto.  The
                                             a  courtier.

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