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         Judging by the  degree  of realism, this por-  On becoming  a Buddhist monk, he took  an able administrator as well as fighter,
         trait is likely to have been painted during  the name  Sóun'an Sotan. His career  and the house  laws known as 'Twenty-one
         Toshikage's lifetime or soon  after  his  closely paralleled that of his  contemporary,  Articles of Sôunjidono"  reflect his deter-
         death.                             Asakura Toshikage (cat.  13): beginning as a  mination to preserve his descendants  from
             The portrait has been at Shingetsuji,  daimyo's retainer, he proceeded  to seize  the kind of overthrow that had made him
         a temple founded by Toshikage in Ichijó-  land and usurp power wherever  the  occa-  a daimyo. (Sôunjidono is a  posthumous
         dani, which later became  the mortuary  sion permitted,  controlling Izu and Sagami  title taken from Hójó Sóun's  mortuary
         temple of the  Asakura family.      provinces (Shizuoka and Kanagawa prefec-  temple.)
                                             tures) from  Odawara before he died. His  In this powerful portrayal, Hójó  Sóun
         14  Hójó Sóun                       son and grandson continued  the work, and  sits barefooted  on a raised tatami mat,
           hanging scroll; ink and  color on  silk  the  Later Hójó (to distinguish them from  wearing a hoi (priest's robe) and  kern (Zen
           93.5x50.7(367/8x20)               the Hójó regents  of the Kamakura period)  priest's stole) over a warrier's robe, holding
           Muromachi  period, early loth century  ruled the Kantó region until their over-  a chùkei (a type of folding fan) in his right
                                             throw by Hideyoshi in  1590.       hand and clenching  his left. The  facial ex-
           Sôunji, Kanagawa Prefecture          Like Asakura Toshikage, Hójó Sóun  pression reveals the resolute nature of the
            Important Cultural  Property     was a ruthless and treacherous  man, but  sitter. This portrait was probably  painted
         The  warrior Hójó Sóun  (1432-1519) first                              in Sôun's  lifetime, after he became a
         went by the name Ise Shinkuró Nagauji.                                 priest, or else soon  after  his death.  AY

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