Page 101 - Art De' Asie Christie's Paris December 16, 2022
P. 101

 STATUE DE ZHENWU EN BRONZE  Zhenwu rose to the height of his popularity during the Ming dynasty. The third
 CHINE, DÉBUT DE LA DYNASTIE MING (1368-1644)  Ming  emperor,  Yongle,  credited  Zhenwu  for  helping  him  secure  the  throne
 and ordered a massive temple building campaign at Wudang Shan, the place
 Il est représenté assis, reposant sur un socle, sa main droite à hauteur de sa
 poitrine et sa main gauche posée sur son genou. Il est vêtu d'une longue robe   where  Zhenwu  is  believed  to  have  attained  immortality  and  ascended  to
 monastique ceinturée à la taille formant d'harmonieux plis, bordée de nuées   heaven. According to a folk legend, Yongle summoned a sculptor to the palace
 incisées et à décor d'un dragon incisé sur le ventre. Une longue étoffe flottant   to commission the first image of Zhenwu. When the sculptor arrived, Yongle
 dans les airs encadre son visage serein.  had just finished a bath. The emperor commanded the sculptor to create a true
 Hauteur : 43 cm. (16w in.)  likeness of Zhenwu. The sculptor replied that he had never seen the god, to
 which Yongle replied ‘look at me’. The sculptor then literally created the image
 €25,000-35,000   US$26,000-35,000  of  Zhenwu  in  the  likeness  of  Yongle,  fresh  from  the  bath,  hair  slicked  back
    £22,000-31,000  and barefoot. Another version is told in the hagiography of Zhenwu published
 in 1602 by Yu Xiangdou. According to Yu, Zhenwu was getting ready for the
 PROVENANCE:  day combing his hair, when heavenly envoys arrived with the announcement
 Formerly in the Bettini collection in the 1960s-1970s, France.  of his appointment as a heavenly emperor. He accepted the appointment, and
 after bowing in thanks, continued to comb his hair. To his astonishment, he
 A BRONZE FIGURE OF ZHENWU  found that he could not put his hair up. He was then informed by the heavenly
 messenger that since he had already accepted his heavenly appointment, his
 appearance was fixed, and he could no longer change his form. Other legends
 明初 銅真↖坐像  tell of Zhenwu engaging in a fierce battle with demons and emerging victo-
 ֶⓀ   rious but having lost his footwear and his hair coming undone.
     年代至  年代為⌅國藏家%(77,1,舊藏
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