Page 66 - Sotheby's Important Jades, Amber & Hardstones Oct. 3, 2018
P. 66


           A JADEITE ‘CHLONG’ BELT          清    翠玉浮雕螭龍紋帶鉤
           QING DYNASTY
           each section finely rendered in openwork with a
           coiled dragon confronting one another, one half of
           the buckle terminating in a dragon head forming
           the hook, the stone of varying tones of bright
           mottled green, the slightly curved underside of a
           paler tone
           9 cm, 3½ in.
           HK$ 60,000-80,000
           US$ 7,700-10,200
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71