Page 20 - Lieber Collection Chinese Art
P. 20
LEIBER ж٤⣺㫼͚స㬊㶀৮
Like their stewards, the Chinese works of art and ceramics in the Leiber⣺㫼͚⮱͚స⨤க㜴㬊㶀৮ຯहЃԾ⮱ͨϧ̭
Leiber Collection are fi lled with character and creativity. In keep-
ing with all great collections acquired over a lengthy period of
time, the objects are often souvenirs, milestones that are linked to ݄喑䕆ψ⣺৮⮱ᩣ䯳䌕䊷γ♎᪥Ը᭒喑ႰԾᒤᒬ᭜
events and memories that form a personal history. In the Leibers’ ㈭ᔢ৮喑㽅䐶㦄㫼უϧ⩌䕁͚⮱䛺๔θУহ⣺䇡㽅
case, the objects tell a story of a strong-willed couple confronted ᛣ⮱䛹⼸ⶾȡ Leiber ᩣ㫼͚⮱̭У⣺৮喑䘪䔝㿗㦄
with extraordinary challenges. A son of Depression-era New York
City and a Holocaust survivor in war-torn Budapest took life’s
hurdles in their stride and fl ourished. ലᑤᘼᔄȡ̭Ѻ᭜ܧ⩌ౕ㋀┌๔㪚᷊᭯⮱㈽㈱喑ओ
The Leibers met in 1945 on Gerson’s second day in Budapest as ̭Ѻ䔰䕻γጰ䖁Җ๔ᆍ⃧ ⮱⩌䱵◚喑ږѺ㫼უᓋ
an American GI, and by all accounts were a duo from that day ღ䲏ᄺ⩌≨⮱̺ຯᘼ喑䓻䰐㔹̷喑ڞहޢ䕍γᒖ
onward. In Budapest, Judith had already mastered the making and ߌ⮱נϧ⩌ȡ
designing of handbags, and with her encouragement Gerson began
training in painting and visual arts. Their formal training shows 1945Ꭱ喑Gerson䌌䯕㒻స䏺䮷ݝ䖁ጰ䖁Җ⮱す
through in their collection of Chinese art, as the couple’s sensibili- ι ๖ 喑 䖯 䔲 γ Ju d it h喑 ᨇ 㿗 ږ ϧ ⁎ ᬒ 䊤 Ӭ ᒏ ᒞ ̺
ties of form, color, and balance are exemplifi ed especially in their
䰏ȡJudith ౕጰ䖁Җ᭯ጟ㋀䕇㽚㼵হ㸪҉࠲
monochromes and fl ambé-glazed vessels. After their marriage in
1946, they soon planned to move to New York, full of hope and ⮱ጒ㬊喑ౕ⮱呀̸ࠢ喑Gersonϓ䪸Ⴅ㓿⇦⪘হ㻃
expectation. Their fi rst acquisition, lot 490 , was acquired in Buda- 㻧㬊㶀ȡLeiber 㫼৮͚У⣺৮⮱⨱䖥ᄴږϧౕ㬊㶀
pest by the newlyweds, and perhaps is a symbol of their daring—as 䲏⮱ₐ㊞㽀㌡ᆂ䱟♎䖧喑ڣ͚⮱㞟䛶হ䂷䛶⣺
a fi rst acquisition, it is a striking choice, with starkly contrasting
colors and robust depictions of mythical beasts.
Parents on both sides opposed their choices of vocation, however
the Leibers persisted and diligently practiced their crafts, fully
committed to his and her métier. The American model of cookie- Җ䈩ڒ⮱す̭У㫼৮喑⨣䏘⦋⢥䕍ಸ⩌ᾌ߰߰喑㞟
cutter manufacturing stifl ed Judith’s creativity but she persevered ᒖᄺ℁ᑤ◵喑࢝䁶γږϧ㛪䂅䕻ϧ⮱㬊㶀䋐ঠȡ
in her new home and in 1948 was offered a position by the cel-
ebrated fashion and accessories designer Nettie Rosentein. Judith 䰃♣䰆❣䘪ࣺᄺږϧ⮱㖤ẚ䖥᧴喑ѳ᭜ Leiber ๘
rose through the ranks from assistant pattern maker to foreman of ྒྷౕ㬊㶀䖀䌜̷ലᠮ̺ᛵ喑ࠑႥ㠓㌡喑ڕ䏘ᓰែڒݝ
the fi rm’s New York factory. In 1953 she designed a handbag un-
der the Rosenstein label that was carried by the First Lady Mamie
Eisenhower to the presidential inauguration of Dwight D. Eisen- ᐼ䛺㍈γJudith ⮱ޢ䕍߈喑ѳ᭜ Judith 䖱᭜ല
hower. The highly publicized event earned her acclaim and Judith ᠮγ̸ҳȡ 1948Ꭱឫݝγ̭Ъጒ҉喑ౕ᭯㸊丫৮
Leiber was established as a celebrated handbag designer. 㽚㼵ፘ Nettie Rosentein ̸⪣ߖ⤳㈸ὐፘ喑Judithߗ
In 1963 the Leibers made a leap of faith and launched the Judith ߈ጒ҉喑䓲䕌ࡴ䖤㜠ጒᐍ䵅⤚⮱㖤Ѻȡ1953Ꭱ喑В
Leiber Company, with Gerson taking charge of the business ele-
ments. The company was made successful through dedication and
hard work. Anecdotes of Gerson himself couriering minaudières ๘ϧᩉ䕆࠲ܧፚ㞫ḛ䆗༮❫㍪㊞ᅞ㖤حᐼ喑䕆ൡ
through busy New York streets, and the birth of the signature crys- 倅Ꮣᰊٶ⢴⮱ڙڞθУຍჇγJudith Leiber࠲㽚㼵