Page 18 - Lieber Collection Chinese Art
P. 18

Whether  through  form,  motif  or  theme  (or  a  combination  of  ♎䀃᭜ᓋᒏᙸ喑ృᵵ䖱᭜䵹ᱽ喍ϓᝃ᭜䕆ψٰ㉍⮱
                    these), East Asian-inspired design manifests itself in a variety of
                    ways.  This is clearest when Leiber translates Chinese art objects
                    directly into minaudières. For example, the knops of the grand   㬊㶀⮱⅐ᖜȡ䕆ᅑڣ倁⤫ౕLeiberⰡᣒិ͚స㬊㶀
                    Fonthill ‘soldier’ vases are repeated in Leiber’s lotus bud-form  Ռ䥿ݝ᝸᣽࠲⮱㽚㼵⪣͚ȡҸຯ喑᱙ൡ᝭ॵ̭ᄺᩫ
                    minaudière, reflected in the articulation of its curved petals. Her  ᆞᅲ㫼ㆶᒖ๔⨣㧸䝂⮱㨛㟞䕍ಸᰫ㷘Leiber㲺ڒݝ
                    vibrant teal and cobalt firecracker-shaped minaudière is almost
                    identical in form to the Qing dynasty famille-rose ‘firecracker’
                    box and cover, even mimicking the orientation of the wicks.    ಸ᝸᣽࠲Ꭻͻ㜴᱙ൡ͚⮱ㆶᒖ✳〦ᒏ㧸⯿ຯܧ̭
                    Animals also feature prominently in her designs. A dazzling tiger-
                    form evening clutch is a mirror image of the Jin dynasty ‘Cizhou’
                                                                  ࠂ➖ᒏ׼Ό፥ܧ⤫ౕ Leiber ⮱㽚㼵͚ȡڣ͚̭⦭
                    pillow from the collection, also in the form of a recumbent tiger.
                    Its calligraphic painted stripes and piercing eyes have been ren-
                    dered into graphic lines of jet black crystals. Similarly, a crystal   ⮱̭Уⷮጋ⿝㭻ᒏ᳂ȡग᭜㾟㜒㭻⩕叾ᒖ᣼㎗⮱◜
                    encrusted gold Buddhist lion-form bag echoes the rare blue and  ◜Ⱪ⺋喑㷘叾Ⅱᮣ䵳ㆿ䕐᜽⮱≮ᯏ㌇᷊ः㔹А͸ȡ
                    white luduan-form censer from the Wanli reign, while a charm-
                    ing recumbent  horse-form clutch resembles the delightful horses
                    depicted in her collection of famille-verte biscuit ‘sea horse ’ves-  ᩣ㫼͚̭У䱿㟞⩗〜ᒏ⚼✽⮱䕍ಸ喑㔹̭ᮇს࠲
                    sels or the horse-form water dropper, all from the Kangxi period.  В䷜❪㠞༬⮱伬仙◧䕍ಸ喑㾟䱵ᙌҳ⎽᫩຦ᩣ㫼⮱
                    Aside from form, themes and motifs often play out in Leiber’s   ㉍̶ᒖ⊤仙㈸⨤கᝃ㉍̶ᒖ㜒仙ᒏⅡ␡͚ᄺ仙⮱
                    creations in cheerful and amusing ways. The delicate yet lively  ᣼㎗ȡ
                    floral motifs present in famille-rose and famille-verte porcelain
                    find  their  companion  in  Leiber’s  blossoming  chatelaines.  Her   䮑γᒏᙸВใ喑䵹ᱽহ㈸ὐݴ◧ Leiber ৮❹෋⌨γ
                    ribbon-tied clutch brings to mind beribboned Qing dynasty auspi-  ₎ᔘᬻϛࣷჹᰶᎪ吅⮱ᆑ⁎ᙌȡㆶᒖহρᒖ⨤க͚
                    cious emblems, as seen in the Kangxi period ‘flower basket’ dish.
                                                                  ㉝㛖㔹僛≨⮱㟞ࡶృὐΌ㷘⩕ҳ㸊吋  Leiber  ৮❹
                    Although not a direct adaptation of this theme, Judith Leiber’s
                    whimsical  asparagus-form  minaudière  is  also  embellished  with
                    a bow, with a nod to European ceramics from the 18  and 19    ᐼ⮱ᮇს࠲䃀ϧ㖜ᘠݝ⌲᱊㎘ᰶ䷱፣⮱श⺒ృᵵ喑
                    centuries.                                    ຯ᱙ൡ᝭ॵ̭УᏤ⛆䱿㟞㟞ㅰృⰑȡJudith  Leiber
                    It may seem far-fetched that the first female apprentice and mas-  ๖仙㵹⾧ᣎ⩕㬳ぺ䕍ಸ㽚㼵⮱᝸᣽࠲ϓߍ̷γ㲡
                    ter  in  the  Hungarian  handbag  guild  would  turn  to  Chinese  art  㲣㉽㽚㼵喑ࢠ঩ᛶγ⌲᱊श⺒㈸ὐ⮱䵹ᱽ喑ह᭯Ό
                    (amongst  other  things)  for  artistic  inspiration.  Valuing  meticu-
                    lous technique, craftsmanship and harmony of design as with the
                    Chinese  potters  she  admires,  Judith  Leiber  clearly  understands  ѩͻᒵ䰐ᘠ׼喑䕆Ѻҳ㜗࠵➆ݖ⮱仃Ѻຠᕔ᝸࠲㽚
                    the beauty and elegance of a culture so far removed from her na-
                    tive country. As she says so eloquently, “the beauty of objects is
                    a language of its own.”                       ጒࡍԾౕ⨤க㸪҉হጒ㬊᫦䲏⮱௡㠈὆⏃Вࣷᄺ
                                                                  হ䀔㽚㼵⮱ത㦄䔪Ⅿ喑຦⌞䀠̭Ը䖍ౕᲞ᫦⮱  ऑ㔮
                    OPPOSITE TOP           OPPOSITE BOTTOM
                    Lot 446 with a ‘tiger-pillow’-form   Lot 432 with a firecracker-form
                    minaudière, from The Kelly Ellman   minaudière, from The Gerson and
                    Collection             Judith Leiber Foundation
                    ᄺ䴮̷                    ᄺ䴮̸
                    ㌕㮌446㜴㭻ᒏᮇს࠲ (Kelly     ㌕㮌432㜴✳〦ᒏᮇს࠲ (Gerson ࣷ
                    Ellman ᩣ㫼)             Judith Leiber ധ䛾ᰰᩣ㫼)

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