Page 22 - Lieber Collection Chinese Art
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tal decoration through necessity to cover inferior hardware fi nish, 1963Ꭱ喑Leiber๘ྒྷᜤԎᔢ喑ޢᐧγJudith Leiber
illustrate both their dedication and their ingenuity. The processes
of labor and planning are fully masked by creativity, as the fi nal
product appears to be a joyful burst of whimsy. Much like the col- ߈喑ڙथ⢟ᓄẢ๔ߌȡᰡᰶנ㖋Gerson⩇㜠ᰫ㋀
orful famille-rose and famille-verte works in the collection, the 㻗㜗䊝㶄͟ጤ喑ౕᔆⶹ⮱㈽㈱㶄䖀͚䖋䔮Leiber
brilliant creation does not exhibit the challenges of the artisan. ࠲ȡJudith Leiber ৮❹➦ᰶ⮱Ⅱᮣ㸊丫ᰭᬖ㷘⩕ҳ䖛
Judith drew inspiration for many of her minaudières from Chi- 㧸ᬖ࠲䛾ᆙใ⃩У̷⮱⦂⫢喑䕆Ըᕊໆᘠ
nese ceramics, a perhaps unexpected muse for a handbag, and this
inventiveness refl ects her boundless creativity and imagination.
In truth the Leibers drew inspiration for their works from many
sources, including books, exhibitions, conversations, and places. ᣖ㧸γ࠲㸪҉হ㽚㼵䕻⼸⪆̸⮱У㑧䮤ȡ䕆㜴
As they grappled with, and conquered unpredictable obstacles in Leiber㫼৮͚㞟ᒖ᪾᫂⮱ㆶᒖ⨤হρᒖ⨤⣺৮㬷㫼γ
life, they interpreted their surroundings and expressed their ex-
periences in their art as only they could. The culmination of their
lifetime of creating and collecting together is now the Leiber Col- ᰟहጒໆȡ
lection. The East Hampton museum’s permanent collection con-
sists of visual art by Mr. Leiber, minaudières and handbags by Mrs.
Leiber, and a gallery of their Chinese works of art, acquired over ⰸѩ℘̺Ⱕ⮱㬊㶀䶋ݒႹ㒻㲺व喑㲺ᰰ䇘䕇͚స
six decades. This extraordinary couple have created and collected ⨤க⮱倀᭯㸊丫৮͚喑倁⤫γ⾮ⵡᵳ᳣㍈⮱
so many fi ne works and objects, and armed with grit and imagina-
tion, overcame diffi cult circumstances; the Leiber Collection is a
most apt testament to their life’s work and accoplishments.
Installation view of Antique The Leiber Collection Museum, East
Chinese Porcelains from Eight Hampton, New York Photograph © Leiber⣺㫼ȡౕѺᲞᮛ䵀⮱Leiberࢇ➖乕㸎䮠݄
Dynasties (206 BCE to 1912), 2008, Wil Weiss. Courtesy of The Leiber
at The Leiber Collection Museum. Collection
Photograph © Gary Mamay.
ᄺ䴮 ښᎡҳڞहᩣ㫼⮱̭㈨݄͚స⨤கÿÿ䕆ψ㫼৮ឬ
Courtesy of The Leiber Collection
Leiber ᩣ㫼ࢇ➖乕喑Პᮛ䵀喑㈽㈱ 䐶㦄㫼უ⮱♎䭽ߴ⅐㜴ᘠ߈喑㋀₤γϧ⩌⮫ᙸ喑ρ
⚔❴ҳ⎽: Wil Weiss
ᆂ㻪ᄓృ喑ȨAntique Chinese Leiber ᩣ㫼 ঠ䰉䮠⮱₤㌡喑㺸䁶γ䕆ᄺ䲋๘ྒྷ⮱נϧ⩌ȡ
Porcelains from Eight Dynasties
(206 BCE to 1912)ȩ, 2008Ꭱ,
Leiber ᩣ㫼ࢇ➖乕
⚔❴ҳ⎽: Gary Mamay
Leiber ᩣ㫼