Page 22 - Lieber Collection Chinese Art
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tal decoration through necessity to cover inferior hardware fi nish,  1963Ꭱ喑Leiber๘ྒྷ␬ᜤԎᔢ喑ޢᐧγJudith  Leiber
                  illustrate both their dedication and their ingenuity. The processes
                  of labor and planning are fully masked by creativity, as the fi nal
                  product appears to be a joyful burst of whimsy. Much like the col-  ߈喑ڙथ⢟ᓄẢ๔᜽ߌȡᰡᰶנ㖋Gerson⩇㜠ᰫ㋀
                  orful  famille-rose  and  famille-verte  works  in  the  collection,  the  㻗㜗䊝㶄͟ጤ喑ౕᔆⶹ⮱㈽㈱㶄䖀͚䖋䔮Leiber᝸᣽
                  brilliant creation does not exhibit the challenges of the artisan.  ࠲ȡJudith  Leiber  ৮❹➦ᰶ⮱Ⅱᮣ㸊丫ᰭᬖ㷘⩕ҳ䖛
                  Judith  drew  inspiration  for  many  of  her  minaudières  from  Chi-  㧸ᬖ᱌᝸᣽࠲䛾ᆙใ⃩⶙У̷⮱⦂⫢喑䕆Ը๴ᕊໆᘠ
                  nese ceramics, a perhaps unexpected muse for a handbag, and this
                  inventiveness  refl ects  her  boundless  creativity  and  imagination.
                  In truth the Leibers drew inspiration for their works from many
                  sources, including books, exhibitions, conversations, and places.   ᣖ㧸γ᝸࠲㸪҉হ㽚㼵䕻⼸⪆̸⮱⶙У㑧䮤ȡ䕆㜴
                  As they grappled with, and conquered unpredictable obstacles in  Leiber㫼৮͚㞟ᒖ᪾᫂⮱ㆶᒖ⨤হρᒖ⨤⣺৮㬷㫼γ
                  life,  they  interpreted  their  surroundings  and  expressed  their  ex-
                  periences in their art as only they could. The culmination of their
                  lifetime of creating and collecting together is now the Leiber Col-  ᰟहጒ͸ໆȡ
                  lection. The East Hampton museum’s permanent collection con-
                  sists of visual art by Mr. Leiber, minaudières and handbags by Mrs.
                  Leiber, and a gallery of their Chinese works of art, acquired over   ⰸѩ℘̺Ⱕ᎟⮱㬊㶀䶋ݒႹ㒻㲺व喑㲺ᰰ䇘䕇͚స
                  six decades. This extraordinary couple have created and collected  ⨤க⮱㇫倀᫩᭯㸊丫৮͚喑倁⤫γ຦⾮ⵡᵳ᳣᲌㍈⮱
                  so many fi ne works and objects, and armed with grit and imagina-
                  tion, overcame diffi cult circumstances; the Leiber Collection is a
                  most apt testament to their life’s work and accoplishments.
                  ABOVE                  OPPOSITE
                  Installation view of Antique   The Leiber Collection Museum, East
                  Chinese Porcelains from Eight   Hampton, New York Photograph ©   Leiber⣺㫼ȡౕѺ᫩Პ⑏ᮛ䵀⮱Leiberࢇ➖乕㸎䮠݄
                  Dynasties (206 BCE to 1912), 2008,   Wil Weiss. Courtesy of The Leiber
                  at The Leiber Collection Museum.   Collection
                  Photograph © Gary Mamay.
                                         ᄺ䴮                     ښ࡮Ꭱҳڞहᩣ㫼⮱̭㈨݄͚స⨤கÿÿ䕆ψ㫼৮ឬ
                  Courtesy of The Leiber Collection
                                         Leiber ᩣ㫼ࢇ➖乕喑Პ⑏ᮛ䵀喑㈽㈱     䐶㦄㫼უ⮱♎䭽ߴ⅐㜴ᘠ׼߈喑㋀₤γϧ⩌⮫ᙸ喑ρ
                                         ⚔❴ҳ⎽: Wil Weiss
                  ᆂ㻪ᄓృ喑ȨAntique Chinese   Leiber ᩣ㫼             ঠ䰉䮠⮱₤㌡喑㺸䁶γ䕆ᄺ䲋܎๘ྒྷ⮱נ๴ϧ⩌ȡ
                  Porcelains from Eight Dynasties
                  (206 BCE to 1912)ȩ, 2008Ꭱ,
                  Leiber ᩣ㫼ࢇ➖乕
                  ⚔❴ҳ⎽: Gary Mamay
                  Leiber ᩣ㫼
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