Page 103 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 103
The following collection of snuff bottles, jades 以下鼻煙壺、玉石雕刻收藏(拍品編號
and hardstone carvings (lots 487-628) was 487-628),出自一對博學廣聞,且珍愛中
formed by an erudite couple with a true passion 國藝術之伉儷藏家。多數鼻煙壺均購自香
for Chinese art. Most of the snuff bottles were
acquired in Hong Kong from Y.F. Yang, with 港古董商 Y.F. Yang,每回購得一件精品,
whom they would regularly dine out in a fine 藏家常喜邀古董商一同品嚐珍饈佳餚,歡
restaurant, coinciding the evening with an 慶新藏。1960 年代末至 1970 年代早期,
acquisition of one of the superb snuff bottles 乃此收藏建構之黃金時期,當時市場上佳
on offer. In that golden era of collecting,
primarily from the late 1960s to early 1970s, 品輩出,如先朝名品嘉慶鵪鶉紋磁作鼻煙
a great range of high-quality bottles was 壺(拍品編號 496),原為清宮舊藏,且
available, both antique examples such as the 有當代名師王習三的巔峰作品,如此輝煌
Jiaqing porcelain bottle decorated with quails, 年代,進而造就此批藏品之至高水平,綜
formerly in the Qing court collection (lot 496),
and contemporary masterpieces created by 觀之,無論材質、主題、工藝均難以超越,
Wang Xisan at the zenith of his career. The 其中更以料胎鼻煙壺為最,千妍萬彩,耀
snuff bottle collection encompasses a great 眼奪目,美不勝收。諸品中最得藏家珍愛
diversity of media and subject matter, and is 者,要屬琥珀雕豬形鼻煙壺(拍品編號
particularly notable for the sheer quality of the 487),出自 H.R.N. Norton 舊藏,1963 年
glass bottles, with their kaleidoscopic range of
colours. A particularly favourite bottle of theirs 售於倫敦蘇富比,本次再現拍場,望與同
was the delightful amber pig (lot 487), originally 好分享。
sold by H.R.N. Norton at Sotheby’s London in
1963, and now being dispersed with the rest of
the collection for others to enjoy.