Page 105 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 105
AN INSCRIBED AGATE ‘IMMORTAL AND The inscription reads xiang ning wuse yun, which can be
MONKEYS’ SNUFF BOTTLE translated as ‘auspicious multi-coloured cloud scrolls’.
SUZHOU, SCHOOL OF ZHITING, QING There is a broad range of Suzhou agate bottles, but one
DYNASTY, 18TH – 19TH CENTURY of the distinguishing characteristics of the Zhiting School
6 cm, 2⅜ in. bottles is the serrated style of rocks, which is clearly visible
in the present lot. Zhiting is the name of a Suzhou artist,
PROVENANCE who signed his name to works at some time during the early
Y.F. Yang, Hong Kong, 2nd June 1971 (HK$13,200). - to mid-eighteenth century. The school worked in jade,
agate and crystal. For an in-depth discussion on the Zhiting
HK$ 30,000-50,000 school and bottles similar to this present lot, please see
US$ 3,850-6,400 Moss, Graham, Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles,
vol. 2, nos. 366-379. For a group of related bottles, from
清十八至十九世紀 the same School see Denis S. K. Low, More Treasures from
the Sanctum of Enlightened Respect, Singapore: 2002, nos.
蘇州製瑪瑙巧雕靈猴圖鼻煙壺 229 - 234.
See also two Suzhou agate snuff bottle of similar quality
同豐行,香港,1971年6月2日(HK$13,200) sold at auction - one carved with a scholar, sold in our Paris
rooms, 18th December 2012, lot 18, and another carved
with an Immortal and animals, sold in these rooms, 8th April
2010, lot 2090.