Page 109 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 109



                             A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘QUAILS’ SNUFF BOTTLE      清嘉慶    粉彩鵪鶉安居圖鼻煙壺
                             SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF JIAQING                    《嘉慶年製》款
                             5.7 cm, 2¼ in.
                             PROVENANCE                                來源:
                             Y.F. Yang, Hong Kong, 3rd May 1971 (HK$3,500).  同豐行,香港,1971年5月3日(HK$3,500)
                             HK$ 80,000-120,000
                             US$ 10,200-15,300                         此御製鼻煙壺,盈尺之間細繪歲歲安居圖,精巧雅
                             This extremely rare Imperial snuff bottle, exquisitely   故宮博物院清宮舊藏中,有一套同式鼻煙壺,仍存原
                             enamelled on porcelain with a scene of quails amidst millet,   盒,本有十壺,但現只餘七,收錄在張臨生,《故宮
                             appears to be one of two missing bottles from a set of ten   鼻煙壺》,台北,1991年,頁130及頁113(局部)。
                             originally in the Qing court collection. Seven of the ten are   北京故宮所存獨壺,圖則可參見《故宫博物院藏文物
                             now preserved in their original box in the National Palace
                             Museum, Taiwan. See Chang Lin-sheng, Snuff Bottles in the   珍品全集.鼻煙壺》,香港,2003年,圖版329。
                             Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1991, p.
                             130, and detail, p. 113. One is still in Beijing, illustrated in The
                             Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
                             Snuff Bottles, Hong Kong, 2003, pl. 329.
                             The combination of quail (anchun) and millet (maisui) is also
                             a rebus for the auspicious four-character sui sui ping an, a
                             traditional New Year’s greeting which can be translated as
                             ‘May you have peace year after year’.  It is a popular subject
                             matter on traditional Chinese paintings, especially those of
                             the Song dynasty.                                                  Mark

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