Page 239 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 239
A FINE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE MILLEFLEURS The design, in a somewhat paler famille rose palette, and in a slightly
BOWL more open format where white background is visible between the
JIAQING SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN IRON RED AND OF THE flowers and leaves, and without iron-red, first appears during the
Yongzheng period (1723-1735), as represented by a small bowl in
PERIOD (1796-1820) the Qing Court collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of
The bowl is thinly potted and finely enamelled in a rich famille Treasures of the Palace Museum - 39 - Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel
rose palette on the exterior with a dense design of a multitude of Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, Hong Kong, 1999, p. 18, no. 15.
various flowers. The interior and base are enamelled turquoise. During the Qianlong period a variation of this design appeared, with the
design becoming more dense, allowing no visible white space between
4 º in. (11 cm.) diam., box the flowers and leaves. The famille rose palette also became richer and
HK$300,000-500,000 US$39,000-64,000 with more realistic shading of the enamels, as well as with the addition
of iron red. This version of the pattern is well represented by a large
Qianlong-marked vase in the Musée Guimet, illustrated by Beurdeley
and Raindre, ibid., pp. 118-19, pls. 164 and 165.
清嘉慶 粉彩萬花錦紋盌 礬紅六字篆書款
Compare to a very similar Jiaqing-marked millefluers bowl of slightly
The dense arrangement of various flowers that decorates this bowl larger size (13 cm.), bearing an underglaze-blue reign mark which differs
is known as wanhuajin (myriad flower brocade), as well as baihuadi from the iron-red mark on the current example, sold at Christie’s New
(ground of one hundred flowers), and, according to T. T. Bartholomew York, 17 September 2015, lot 2073.
in Hidden Meanings in Chinese Art, Asian Art Museum of San
Francisco, 2006, p. 146, during the Qing dynasty the design conveyed 粉彩「萬花錦」裝飾手法首見於雍正官窯器,於乾隆年間臻於成熟,紋
the hope that the Qing dynasty "would last as long as flowers continue 飾越趨繁複。本器承襲乾隆風格,用色豐富,構圖繁而不亂。可參考一
to bloom."
件尺寸略大的嘉慶萬花錦盌(13 公分),底書青花款,2015 年 9 月 17
日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品 2073 號。